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hellonearthis edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 8 revisions

Data Compression. Scrambling.

When working with uncompressed data, I can get a smaller compressed file than just compressing.
BUT when I scramble a compressed file, no matter what scramble key is used, they all produce the same sized compressed file,
no change at all resulting file size.

tsting.php is a test file that was used to work out the code to encode and decode the test data.
Scramble.php is the main scrambling program.

The Idea is; This doesn’t compress, it scrambles a file for the hope of better compression.
By having a reversible function, the data could be organised into patterns that can get better compression.
The hope was/is to scramble compressed files so they can be compressed again.
DATA COMPRESSION through randomization.

The code works on the data at the bit level, basic splitting the data into two files based on a binary scramble key .


bits to scramble: 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 1111
scramble key 01010101
result of scramble
file0 1010 1010 11
file1 1010 1010 11
file0file1 1010 1010 11 1010 1010 11

Using a byte as the split/scramble key I can range from 1 to 254

It looks like the NOT didn’t do anything.
What a not does is it inverses the odd bits, so if it’s a 1 it becomes a 0 or if it’s a 0 then it becomes a 1.

My coding skills are not the bestest and writing it in PHP isn’t the fastest language, but I’m doing this to test a theory
and to have some fun coding. It’s a simple idea and I’m sure there are greater minds that have thought of doing this,
But it’s for fun and am/was interested in seeing if it could work.

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