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HL7 AU Core Conventions: profile invariants and slices

dbojicic edited this page Jan 23, 2024 · 1 revision

Invariants conventions The following conventions apply to all invariants within HL7 AU profiles (of resources and datatypes).

element include convention
element.constraint.key yes 1) For invariants not on slices: 'au-core-'<abbreviated resource name>'-'<integer, starting from 0> (There are no conventions on how to form abbreviations.) e.g. invariants defined in AU Core MedicationRequest: au-core-medreq-03
element.constraint.severity yes Use 'error' (unless 'warning' is specifically required)
element.constraint.human yes Conformance verbs are 'shall' and 'shall not'
element.constraint.expression yes Use relative paths

Slice conventions

element include convention
sliceName yes Short name in lower camel case;
* for slices of identifier the name SHOULD use an abbreviated common name of the type of identifier, e.g. ihi, abn, dva, medicareProviderNumber
* for slices of coding or CodeableConcept the name SHOULD use an abbreviated common name of the set of values set, e.g. pbs, amt or amtVaccineCode
* when the set of values all come from SNOMED CT "snomed" SHOULD be prepended to the normal slice name, e.g. snomedBodyHeight
* for a use case slice the name SHOULD be an abbreviated description for the acronym
element.constraint.severity yes Use 'error' (unless 'warning' is specifically required)
short yes This comes through from the base definition. If required to set in AU Core, it should be a title of the slice in title case.

Examples include Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) Number, Air Vaccine
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