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Initial release - get the repo/extesnion to "fresh & clean" status.

Past due by over 1 year 12% complete

This is the initial release, I would like to get the code cleaned up, refactored where needed, before looking at the "day 2" improvements.
I would like to complete the following items in this milestone.

  • fix initial bugs
  • add all initial features
  • integrate github actions
  • locate a good logo.
  • etc.
    Tbh, first piece of public code for me, so I am already kinda…

This is the initial release, I would like to get the code cleaned up, refactored where needed, before looking at the "day 2" improvements.
I would like to complete the following items in this milestone.

  • fix initial bugs
  • add all initial features
  • integrate github actions
  • locate a good logo.
  • etc.
    Tbh, first piece of public code for me, so I am already kinda lost. But I am still dancing cause the extension is solving a problem, well.