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My dotfile settings for Linux (Debian Sid/Ubuntu 22.10) and MacOS (13, Ventura).


MIT License.


Script setup

Suppose the root directory of the repository is $DOT_DIR. The general idea is to make symlinks for the dotfiles with the setup script: $DOT_DIR/

  • For the files or directories starting with _, they will be symlinked to the corresponding dotfiles in $HOME directory. For example, $DOT_DIR/_profile will be symlinked to $HOME/.profile.
  • The Linux or MacOS specific dotfiles are those that start with _ and reside in $DOT_DIR/Linux or $DOT_DIR/Darwin, respectively. For example, $HOME/.gdbinit is symlinked to $DOT_DIR/Linux/_gdbinit on a Linux machine but not on a MacOS.
  • It is suggested to dryrun (w/o actually running) it beforehand with $DOT_DIR/ -n (more details with $DOT_DIR/ -h) to see the effects.
  • Please close other applications (especially browsers like google-chrome, microsoft-edge, etc) during setup (especially on Linux), as the setup script will move the original $HOME/.config (to $DOT_DIR/.BAK/_BAK.config by default) before generating the symlink directory $HOME/.config.
  • Restore your original dotfiles by running $DOT_DIR/ -r.
# typical flows for setup

# clone with git ssh
# this means that for FIRST TIME setup, `git` should be installed beforehand
git clone --recursive [email protected]:hongxuchen/dotfiles.git $DOT_DIR
# or with https
git clone --recursive https:


# dryrun to see whether there are dangerous operations
./ -n

## close other applications for a smooth setup and install

# see further uses of this setup script
./ -h

System relevant installations

Packages that can be installed via system package manager:

  • Both:
cd misc/pkgs
cargo install $(cat cargo)
pip install -U -r requirements.txt 
# or install locally if you'd like to only affect yourself (and maybe have no permissions)
pip install --user -U -r requirements.txt 
  • Linux: Most of them can be installed via apt:
sudo apt install $(cat Linux/debs)

Other desktop packages can be installed via flatpak; never use snap

  • Add a Chinese source mirror of flathub if you are in China:
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists sjtu
flatpak remotes
  • Packages: telegram

  • Darwin (with homebrew):

For Chinese users, it is suggested to use a source mirror for quick installation. I personally follow tuna source for both fresh installation and updates.

brew install --cask $(cat Darwin/casks) 
brew install --formula $(cat Darwin/formulas)

Misc installations

  • Some of the configurations/binaries cannot be installed by the setup script, please update accordingly.

    • neovim -- I use the latest (nightly) version
    • rustup -- don't use debian/brew cargo/rustc, but always use the rustup one
    • microsoft-edge -- In China, Edge is better
    • Clash -- for the well-known reason in mainland China
    • v2raya -- for the well-known reason in mainland China
    • leanprover -- I'd like to learn some assisted proving
  • Despite that my configurations can be for general purpose, some "source mirrors", like $HOME/.pip/pip.conf, $HOME/.npmrc, are configured with Chinese sources, for better network downloading speed.

  • Use Nerd Fonts for nice icon display.

    • Download into $HOME/.fonts and use fc-cache -fv to update it;
    • Test the UTF-8 support with misc/UTF-8-demo.txt;
    • Test the icons with neovim;
    • on Debian derivatives, make sure urxvt is from rxvt-unicode-256color;
    • xterm is not recommended as it has poor support for unicode characters.



  1. neovim($HOME/.config/nvim/) The setup for neovim is done by lazy.nvim. Just type nvim and plugins will be installed automatically. DO keep in mind to install nvim plugins via a good network that can access GitHub smoothly. My five cents for using neovim:
    • Use as fewer plugins as possible, unless the plugin brings significant efficiency;
    • Keep treesitter, LSP, Mason installed packages, as updated as possible;
    • Use the version="*" in lazy.nvim to always install the latest plugins;
    • Go to GitHub issue pages to find out the answers when there are errors.
    • Not using helix since I've customized to Vim keymaps; VSCode and Intellij are still used.

I have also aliased vim/vi to use nvim with a simple configuration, simple.lua, which does not require any installations of plugins.

  1. zsh(derived from oh-my-zsh)

    • relevant files:
      • $HOME/.zshenv -- for all zsh uses
      • $HOME/.zprofile -- for zsh login shell use
      • $HOME/.zshrc -- for zsh interactive shell use
      • $HOME/.aliases -- sourced inside $HOME/.zshrc, for aliasing
      • $HOME/.omz/ -- sourced inside $HOME/.zshrc, for oh-my-zsh style zsh uses
  2. ipython(especially for sh/nb profile)($HOME/.ipython/)

  3. git($HOME/.gitconfig)

  4. tmux($HOME/.tmux.conf)

Linux Specific

They are not exactly Linux only, but I tend not to use them on MacOS. They lie in Linux/.

  • gdb($HOME/.gdbinit, $HOME/.gdb)

    • gdb is superseded by lldb on newer MacOS.
  • X11 settings

    • $HOME/.Xresources: for XTerm, URxvt, should run xrdb -load $HOME/.Xresources firstly
    • $HOME/.xscreensaver
  • wget($HOME/.wgetrc)

MacOS Specific

The MacOS specific dotfiles lie in Darwin/ directory.


  • add local/global machine-specific settings