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github-actions committed Oct 2, 2023
1 parent 01b8a84 commit 40d5a7d
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Showing 3 changed files with 5,475 additions and 0 deletions.
218 changes: 218 additions & 0 deletions 41/index.html
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@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>SEIL Legacy to Recipe Config Converter</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />

<script src=""></script>
<script src="./seil2recipe.js"></script>

<header class="header">
<span style="font-weight: bold;">SEIL</span>コンフィグ自動変換ツール
<div style="float: right; margin: 4px;">
<a href="">
<svg xmlns="" height="34" width="34" viewbox="0 0 16 16" style="fill: #ccc;">
<path fill-rule="evenodd"
d="M8 0C3.58 0 0 3.58 0 8c0 3.54 2.29 6.53 5.47 0-.19-.01-.82-.01-1.49-2.01.37-2.53-.49-2.69-.94-.09-.23-.48-.94-.82-1.13-.28-.15-.68-.52-.01-.53.63-.01 1.08.58 1.21 1.87.87 0-.87.31-1.59.82-2.15-.08-.2-.36-1.02.08-2.12 0 0 .67-.21 1.32-.27 2-.27.68 0 1.36.09 2 .27 1.53-1.04 2.2-.82 2.2-.82.44 1.1.16 1.92.08 1.27.82 2.15 0 3.07-1.87 3.75-3.65 1.48 0 1.07-.01 1.93-.01 2.2 0 . 8.013 0 0 0 16 8c0-4.42-3.58-8-8-8z" />
<div class="config-area">
<div id="seilconfig" class="config-row">
<div class="model">From: SEIL/X1, X2, B1, x86 Fuji, BPV4 (7.08)</div>
<textarea class="config-text" v-model="text" rows="20" cols="64" spellcheck="false"
placeholder="Enter SEIL config here."></textarea>

<div class="config-row conv-to">

<div class="config-row">
<div class="model">To:
<select id="model-dst" v-model="selected">
<option value="w2">SA-W2, W2L, W2S (5.33)</option>
<option value="x4" selected>SEIL/X4 (3.00)</option>
<option value="ayame">SEIL/x86 Ayame (3.00)</option>
<option value="ca10">SEIL CA10 (3.00)</option>
<textarea id="recipeconfig" class="config-text" v-model="text" rows="20" cols="64" spellcheck="false"
placeholder="Converted recipe config will be shown here." readonly></textarea>

<ul id="status" style="list-style-type: none; margin: 10px 50px;">
<template v-for="conv in lines">
<span class="lineno">{{ conv.lineno }}: </span>
<span class="config-text" style="color: #000;">{{ conv.seil_line }}</span>
<li v-for="err in conv.errors">
<span class="errmsg" style="font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 90%; padding-left: 2em;"
v-bind:style="{ 'color': err.color }">{{ err.message }}</span>

<div class="usage">
<ul class="usage-list">
<li>入力されるコンフィグには "show config" コマンドで表示される形式を想定しています。</li>
<li>うまく変換できない場合は、いったん実機にコンフィグを投入して "show config" を実行し、正規化してみてください。</li>
<li>複数の行が揃ってはじめて意味をなすコンフィグは、一通りの設定が揃うまで変換されません。<br />
たとえば、旧コンフィグの "dhcp enable" コマンドは、"dhcp mode server" (もしくは "dhcp mode relay") が設定されなければ意味を持ちません。
そのため、"dhcp enable" "dhcp mode server" の二行が揃ってはじめて新コンフィグの "dhcp.server.service: enable" に変換されます。</li>

var dst = new Vue({
el: '#model-dst',
data: {
selected: 'x4'

var seilconfig = new Vue({
el: '#seilconfig',
data: {
text: `hostname ""
timezone "Japan"
environment login-timer 300
ppp add PPPOE-SAMPLE keepalive 30 ipcp enable ipcp-address on ipcp-dns on ipv6cp enable authentication-method chap identifier "" tcp-mss auto
interface lan0 media auto
interface lan0 add
interface lan1 media auto
interface lan1 queue normal
interface lan2 media auto
interface lan3 media auto
interface lan4 media auto
interface lan5 media auto
interface pppoe0 over lan1
bridge disable
bridge ip-bridging on
bridge ipv6-bridging on
route add default pppoe0
route dynamic rip disable
route dynamic ospf disable
route dynamic bgp disable
route dynamic redistribute static-to-rip disable
route dynamic redistribute static-to-ospf disable
route dynamic redistribute ospf-to-rip disable
route dynamic redistribute rip-to-ospf disable
route dynamic redistribute connected-to-rip enable
route dynamic redistribute connected-to-ospf enable
route dynamic pim-sparse disable
route6 dynamic ripng disable
route6 dynamic redistribute static-to-ripng disable
route6 dynamic redistribute connected-to-ripng enable
route6 dynamic pim-sparse disable
filter add seil_ctl_lan0 interface lan0 direction in action pass protocol tcp src srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 0-65535 state disable logging off enable
filter add telnetd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 23 state disable logging on enable
filter add httpd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 80 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add seil_ctl_lan0 interface lan0 direction in action pass protocol tcp src fe80::/10 srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 0-65535 state disable logging off enable
filter6 add telnetd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 23 state disable logging on enable
filter6 add httpd_block interface any direction in action block protocol tcpudp srcport 0-65535 dst self dstport 80 state disable logging on enable
nat timeout 900
nat logging off
nat upnp off
nat upnp interface lan1
nat napt add private interface pppoe0
nat proxy sip add port 5060 protocol tcpudp
nat option port-assignment random
proxyarp disable
dhcp disable
dhcp mode server
dhcp interface lan0 enable
dhcp interface lan0 expire 24
dhcp interface lan0 pool 253
dhcp interface lan0 dns add
dhcp6 client disable
dhcp6 client interface pppoe0
dns forwarder enable
dns forwarder add ipcp
ntp disable
cbq link-bandwidth 100Mbps
snmp disable
snmp community "public"
snmp security-model community-based off
snmp security-model user-based on
snmp trap disable
syslog debug-level off
syslog facility local1
syslog remote off
translator timeout 300
resolver disable
rtadvd disable
httpd enable
sshd hostkey rsa1 none
sshd hostkey rsa auto
sshd hostkey dsa auto
sshd disable
telnetd enable
vendor OEM
computed: {
s2r: function () {
return new Converter(seilconfig.text, dst.selected);

var recipeconfig = new Vue({
el: '#recipeconfig',
computed: {
text: function () {
return seilconfig.s2r.recipe_config;

var status = new Vue({
el: '#status',
computed: {
lines: function () {
const lines = [];

seilconfig.s2r.conversions.forEach(conv => {
var print_error = false;

conv.errors.forEach(err => {
if (err.type == 'deprecated') {
err.color = '#777';
} else if (err.type == 'notsupported') {
err.color = '#aa0';
} else if (err.type == 'warning') {
err.color = '#c83';
} else {
err.color = '#a3c';

print_error = true;

if (print_error) {

return lines;


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