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Sample Passport Unity Game

As an example of using the Immutable Unity SDK, we'll use a Unity game called “Immutable Runner”, a customised version based on the Unity Runner game template. In this game, the player takes on the role of an adventurous fox who must collect Immutable coins and food while avoiding obstacles like trees and bears to reach the finish line.

What makes this game unique is that the Fox, Skins and Immutable Runner coins will be represented as NFTs (ERC721). This means that players can own these digital assets. Moreover, players can use the Immutable Runner coins they have collected to create or craft new skins for their fox. These skins will also be represented as NFTs, further enriching the player's ownership experience.

Supported Platforms

  • Windows
  • Android
  • iOS
  • macOS


Some files are stored on Git Large File Storage, so you must download and install git-lfs from here.

How to run the game



This game is set up to work on the Testnet/Sandbox environment only

  1. Register the game by following the Immutable X or Immutable zkEVM guide
    1. Make sure to set the Redirect URLs field to imxsample://callback
    2. Make sure to set the Logout URLs field to imxsample://callback/logout
  2. Open Assets/Runner/Scripts/Config.cs and set the client ID

Prerequisites for Windows and macOS only

To support minting and crafting in the game, three NFT collections need to be present:

  1. Immutable Runner Token (IMR) for the Immutable coins you see in the game
  2. Immutabler Runner Character (IMRC) for the Fox Runner character you use to play the game
  3. Immutable Runner Skin (IMRS) for any skin you manage to unlock and claim

Immutable zkEVM

  1. Set up your development wallet
  2. Obtain Test-$IMX so you can send transactions (specifically to mint assets in this game) and deploy smart contracts on zkEVM Testnet
  3. Follow this to deploy the three zkEVM contracts the game requires
  4. Rename server/.env.example to .env:
    1. Update PRIVATE_KEY with your admin wallet's private key
    2. Update ZK_TOKEN_TOKEN_ADDRESS to the contract address of Immutable Runner Token
    3. Update ZK_CHARACTER_TOKEN_ADDRESS to the contract address of Immutable Character Token
    4. Update ZK_SKIN_TOKEN_ADDRESS to the contract address of Immutable Skin Token
    5. Update ALCHEMY_API_KEY with your Alchemy Sepolia API key
  5. Open Assets/Runner/Scripts/Config.cs
    1. UpdateZK_TOKEN_TOKEN_ADDRESS to the contract address of Immutable Runner Token
    2. UpdateZK_SKIN_TOKEN_ADDRESS to the contract address of Immutable Skin Token
  6. The game uses zkEVM Send Transactions to perform crafting, so you must contact us for pre-approval. You will need to provide us:
    1. The name of the game
    2. The environment i.e. Testnet
    3. The client ID
    4. The ZK_TOKEN_TOKEN_ADDRESS and the function signature of the craftSkin method, i.e. 0x63daf310

Immutable X

  1. Follow this guide on how to create the three NFT collections
  2. Rename server/.env.example to .env:
    1. Update PRIVATE_KEY with your wallet's private key
    2. Update TOKEN_TOKEN_ADDRESS to the contract address of Immutable Runner Token
    3. Update CHARACTER_TOKEN_ADDRESS to the contract address of Immutable Character Token
    4. Update SKIN_TOKEN_ADDRESS to the contract address of Immutable Skin Token
    5. Update ALCHEMY_API_KEY with your Alchemy Sepolia API key
  3. Open Assets/Runner/Scripts/Config.cs
    1. UpdateTOKEN_TOKEN_ADDRESS to the contract address of Immutable Runner Token
    2. UpdateSKIN_TOKEN_ADDRESS to the contract address of Immutable Skin Token
  4. The game uses Immutable X Single and Bulk transfer to perform crafting, so you must contact us for pre-approval. You will need to provide us:
    1. The name of the game
    2. The environment i.e. Sandbox
    3. The client ID
    4. The TOKEN_TOKEN_ADDRESS and the receiver's address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000

Running the game on Windows and macOS

Run the server once pre-approved to use Immutable X Single/Bulk transfer and/or zkEVM Send Transactions for crafting.

The local server is used to mint and help craft assets.

  1. Navigate to server/
  2. Run npm install
  3. Run npm run build
  4. Run npm run dev
  5. Switch to the platform you would like to run on in Build Settings
  6. Start the game
    1. If you are running the game inside the Editor, open Assets/Shared/Scenes/Boot.unity

Running the game on Android and iOS

Run the server once pre-approved to use Immutable X Single/Bulk transfer and/or zkEVM Send Transactions for crafting.

The local server is used to mint and help craft assets.

  1. Grab your local IP address
    1. On Mac (Ethernet connection): Enter ipconfig getifaddr en1 in your terminal
    2. On Mac (Wireless connection): Enter ipconfig getifaddr en0 in your terminal
    3. On Windows: Enter ipconfig in command prompt -> grab the IPv4 Address
  2. Open Assets/Runner/Scripts/Config.cs
  3. Update the SERVER_BASE_URL to your local IP address including the scheme (http://) and the port number (6060), e.g.
  4. Navigate to server/
  5. Run npm install
  6. Run npm run dev
  7. Switch to the platform you would like to run on in Build Settings
  8. Start the game
    1. If you are running the game inside the Editor, open Assets/Shared/Scenes/Boot.unity

Switching between Immutable X and zkEVM

On the main menu screen, there is a small checkbox at the top right that toggles between Immutable X and zkEVM. If checked, zkEVM will be used.

This flag is also saved in the game's SaveManager.


The local server is used to mint assets the gamer collects directly to their wallet. See endpoints /mint/* for Immutable X and zkmint/* for zkEVM.



Crafting is done by calling the craft function in the smart contract. This is done by using zkEVM Send Transaction.

For example, to claim the cooler skin, the user needs to burn their current skin first:

Immutable X

Crafting is done by using the Immutable X Single and Bulk transfer functions.

Required asset(s) to craft a new asset is transferred to 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 to burn them. Once that is successful, the new asset is minted to the gamer's wallet using the local server.

For example, to claim the first skin, the user needs to burn three of their tokens: