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Init Bot—A Matrix AI assistant Bot

This bot primarily interfaces with Matrix servers (such as Synapse) and passes on the input to one or more AI models to handle the request. It takes the response from the AI model, restructures it into a Matrix message, and replies to the room from where the message originated.

Primary functions

  • Chat assistant
  • RAG enabled Document search
  • Image generator

The AI backend is configurable in the config.json file and not part of the bot itself. This bot only acts as the intermediate layer between the AI models and the Matrix server.

N.B.! Currently, it is assumed that the AI backend runs in a safe environment and does not need any authorization. This is something planned to be fixed in the future.

Secondary functions

  • Keep track of the context per room in a Postgres database.
  • Sends typing notifications while the AI is generating responses.

How to Use

If you have a binary called bot, and a file named config.json in the same folder as you start the bot in, it is as simple as running ./bot.

The bot requires the presence of a properly setup configuration file. It can either be in the same folder as you run the bot from and named exactly "config.json", or you can specify the path and name with the "--config" command line argument.

The config file must be JSON formatted and use a specific structure. A config.example.json is provided as a template to use as a base. It contains almost no values and needs to be changed to accurate values for the bot to function.

The bot relies on a PostgreSQL database as a backend to store both cryptographic information and AI chat context in order to save context per room.

You can also provide the following command line arguments:

Argument Default Value Comment
config ./config.json Specify the path (including filename) to the config file
server Override the home server address for Matrix from the config file
bot-name Override the name of the bot from the config file
username Override the username for the bot to log into Matrix
password Override the password for the bot to log into Matrix
db-host Override hostname to the PostgreSQL database
db-port -1 Override the port number for the PostgreSQL database
db-username Override the username for the PostgreSQL database
db-password Override the password for the PostgreSQL database
db-name Override the database name in PostgreSQL database
log-level Override the log level the bot should use
timeout -1 Override the HTTP timeout the bot should use when calling other AI services



You need to install OLM (Double Ratchet cryptographic library) for this to work. Look through your package provider or similar for libolm3, libolm-devel, or similar. Otherwise, the code cannot run and interact with E2E encrypted rooms in the Matrix server.


Once that is done, run go mod tidy and then go build -o bot. You can replace bot with any other name that a binary can have, according to your OS.


A Matrix AI driven Chat Assistant Bot



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