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Releases: iurnus/scripps_kaust_model


30 Nov 23:36
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New features:

We have added the wave component based on WaveWatch III (Case1, Case2):

  1. Wave parameters are used to modulate the surface wind in WRF;
  2. Langmuir turbulence is parameterized in MITgcm using wave parameters;
  3. WW3 read wind and current information from WRF and MITgcm.

We have also added the sea ice module (Case1):

  1. Need Polar WRF from
  2. Wave interactions are not implemented


07 Apr 23:09
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SKRIPS, version 1.2

A few updates in version 1.2:

Version 1.2 now have the following models:
Atmosphere Solver: WRF (version 4.1.3)
Ocean Solver: MITgcm (version c67m)
Driver (coupler): ESMF (version 8.0.0)

New features:

  1. Now the SKRIPS code can run on COMET
  2. We added a restart case for the Red Sea: $SKRIPS_DIR/coupler/L3.C1.coupled_RS2012_ring/runCase.restart


14 Jan 19:18
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SKRIPS, version 1.1

A few updates in version 1.1:

Version 1.1 now have the following models:
Atmosphere Solver: WRF (version 4.1.2)
Ocean Solver: MITgcm (version c67m)
Driver (coupler): ESMF (version 8.0.0)

Now we use a few global variables in the compile scrips. Hope it would work for different machines.

Large files:
We save a few large files in another repository: large files


03 Sep 21:36
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First release of SKRIPS, version 1.0

This is the repository for the Scripps-KAUST Regional Integrated Prediction System (SKRIPS).
It is a regional coupled atmosphere-ocean model based on MITgcm and WRF.
Its coupler is the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF).

The designed modeling system currently includes the following models:

  • Atmosphere Solver: WRF (version
  • Ocean Solver: MITgcm (version c66h)
  • Driver (coupler): ESMF (version 7.0.0)

The features of the system includes:

  • Multiple coupling time step
  • Multiple execution styles (concurrent and sequential execution)

Install the project requires the installation of MITgcm, WRF ESMF, and their
dependencies. The instructions on the installation of each component and the
coupler are detailed in the code documentation. Moreover, running the coupled
code and post-processing tutorial examples are also included.

Users can also extend this solver, utilities and libraries of this
coupled-solver, using some pre-requisite knowledge of the underlying method,
physics and programming techniques involved.

There are several folders in this GIT repository:

  • - script to compile the code on local desktop ring using PGI compiler
  • - script to compile the code on Shaheen-II supercomputer using Intel compiler
  • - script to uninstall the code
  • coupler/ - all coupler source code and examples
  • esmf_test_application/ - ESMF test cases
  • installOption_WRF/ - WRF scripts with different install options
  • installOption_OTH/ - install options for WPS ESMF MITgcm or other software
  • license_statements/ - license statements of the model components
  • - readme file

The source code of MITgcm, WRF and ESMF (not supported in the GIT repository)
should be added to finish the installation:

  • esmf/ - ESMF code
  • MITgcm_c66h/ - MITgcm source code
  • WPS/ - WRF preprocessor
  • WRFV3911_AO/ - WRF source code

To compile the coupled solver (use PGI compiler), please run:


A more detailed introduction of the code and tutorial cases can be found in the
code documentation.


Sun, R., Subramanian, A. C., Miller, A. J., Mazloff, M. R., Hoteit, I., and Cornuelle, B. D.: SKRIPS v1.0: a regional coupled ocean–atmosphere modeling framework (MITgcm–WRF) using ESMF/NUOPC, description and preliminary results for the Red Sea, Geosci. Model Dev., 12, 4221–4244,, 2019.