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Version 2.0

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@javiersantos javiersantos released this 25 Sep 14:59
· 55 commits to master since this release

Warning, this is a major release. There are some changes that can break existing code.

  • The Builder has been rewritten. See the guide below to migrate your existing 1.x code.
  • setPositive(...), setNegative(...) and setNeutral(...) have been deprecated. You should now use setPositiveText(string), setPositiveText(int), onPositive(callback)...
  • The deprecated withAnimation(boolean) method has been removed.
  • Updated material-dialogs to

How to migrate your existing code to 2.x

Using the new Builder

The dialogs are now initialized using MaterialStyledDialog.Builder. Checkout this basic examples:

new MaterialStyledDialog.Builder(this)
    .setDescription("What can we improve? Your feedback is always welcome.")


MaterialStyledDialog dialog = new MaterialStyledDialog.Builder(this)
    .setDescription("What can we improve? Your feedback is always welcome.")

Adding buttons and callbacks

The previous methods setPositive(...), setNegative(...) and setNeutral(...) have been deprecated. You should use the next ones:

new MaterialStyledDialog.Builder(this)
    .setDescription("What can we improve? Your feedback is always welcome.")
    .onPositive(new MaterialDialog.SingleButtonCallback() {
        public void onClick(@NonNull MaterialDialog dialog, @NonNull DialogAction which) {
            Log.d("MaterialStyledDialogs", "Do something!");