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Relational examples

avurro edited this page Mar 8, 2016 · 5 revisions

We will see now some very interesting examples of use, which makes the code more concise and elegant.

Layered application

A classic example is a web application that consists of three layers: facade, business and data access. Each layer has two bean, one of input and one of output.

             ____________       ____________       ____________
      PivotI |          | BoI   |          | DtoI  |          |
      ------>|  Facade  |------>| Business |------>|  Data    |
             |          |       |          |       |  Access  |
      PivotO |  Layer   | BoO   | Layer    | DtoO  |  Layer   |
      <------|          |<------|          |<------|          |
             |__________|       |__________|       |__________|

In an architecture of this type, for each service you need to implement four mapping: PivotI -> BoI -> DtoI and DtoO -> BoO -> PivotO.

With JMapper you need to configure only the two business objects with the surrounding objects.

class PivotI{
    String pivotIfield;

class BoI{
    @JMap(attributes={"pivotIfield", "dtoIfield"}
          classes   ={ PivotI.class,  DtoI.class})
    Integer boIfield;

class DtoI{
    Integer dtoIfield;
class PivotO{
    String pivotOfield;

class BoO{
    @JMap(attributes={"pivotOfield", "dtoOfield"}
          classes   ={ PivotO.class,  DtoO.class})
    Integer boOfield;

class DtoO{
    Integer dtoOfield;

below the sample code:

   class ExampleFacade{
       RelationalJMapper<BoI> rmI;
       RelationalJMapper<BoO> rmO;
       ExampleBusiness exampleBusiness;

       public PivotO executes(PivotI pivotI){
           // mapping
           BoI boI = rmI.manyToOne(pivotI);

           // logic
           BoO boO = exampleBusiness.executes(boI);

           // mapping
           PivotO pivotO = rmO.oneToMany(PivotO.class, boO);
           return pivotO;
   class ExampleBusiness{

       RelationalJMapper<BoI> rmI;
       RelationalJMapper<BoO> rmO;
       ExampleDAO exampleDao;

       public BoO executes(BoI boI){
           // mapping
           DtoI dtoI = rmI.oneToMany(DtoI.class, boI);

           // logic
           DtoO dtoO = exampleDao.executes(dtoI);
           // mapping
           BoO boO = rmO.manyToOne(dtoO);

           return boO;

   class ExampleDao{

       public DtoO executes(DtoI dtoI){
           // some operations
           return dtoO;


Two Configurations and two instances of RelationalJMapper is all you need.

common logic for different objects

You may have the need to apply a common logic in most parts of the web application, using different objects as input.

              ____________    ___________    ___________
             |            |  |           |  |           |
             |  Service   |  | Service2  |  | Service3  |
             |____________|  |___________|  |___________|  
                       \           |          /
                ServiceI\      Service2I     / Service3I
                         \         |        /
                          |                |  
                          |  CommonLogic   |         

Standard solutions can be:

  • use instanceof to identify class type
  • pass, as input to the method, the values ​to handle

Any solution you can design there will be always the need to change the code for every change request. With JMapper becomes:

Input objects:

class Service1I{

   List<String> customersIds;

   // getter and setter...

class Service2I{

   Set<Integer> companyIds;

   // getter and setter...

class Service3I{

   TreeSet<String> supplierIds;

   // getter and setter...

As you can see the fields have different structures, JMapper handles all implicitly.

class CommonLogicI{

   List<Integer> ids;

   // getter and setter...

Xml configuration:

  <class name="com.myapplication.CommonLogicI">
    <attribute name="ids">
      <!-- regex example -->
      <value name=".*ids$"/>
        <class name="com.myapplication.Service1I" />
        <class name="com.myapplication.Service2I" />
        <class name="com.myapplication.Service3I" />

service implementations:

class Service1{

   CommonLogic cl;
   public void executes(Service1I service1I){

class Service2{

   CommonLogic cl;
   public void executes(Service2I service2I){

class Service3{

   CommonLogic cl;
   public void executes(Service3I service3I){

CommonLogic implementation:

class CommonLogic{
   RelationalJMapper<CommonLogicI> rm;

   public void idControl(Object source){

      // mapping
      CommonLogicI clI=rm.manyToOne(source);

      // logic


The conversions between different structures are performed implicitly, including the conversion of their elements.

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