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Manufacturing Vision Accelerator for Nvidia ARM64v8 devices, i.e. Xavier.

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Welcome to the Manufacuring Vision Accelerator repo for ARM64v8 Nvidia devices, i.e. Jetson Nano, Jetson NX, Jetson Xavier. We hope what you find here may be helpful to your pursuit of vision analytics on the Edge! The ARM64v8 version of the Solution Accelerator was created by myself and Rick Durham (Azure AI/ML), using the baseline code developed in conjunction with Nick Kwiecien, Ph.D.

This is a sample repository of working code - nothing more, nothing less. There are no warranties or guarantees stated, or otherwise implied.

Architecture Walkthrough Video

Demo Walkthrough Video

Solution Accelerator Overview Video

Azure Resource Setup Video

Click here to access the Hands-on-Lab (AMD64 VM)

Module Deep Dives

Part 1 - CIS (capture|inference|store) module

Part 2 - CIS (capture|inference|store) module

Module Twin Configuration Tool module

Model Repo module

Custom Dashboard module

Image Upload module

File Cleanup module

File Upload/Download Utiliy modules

As you get started on your journey with the ARM64v8 version of the Solution Accelerator, here are a few application notes to keep in mind.

1) MS SQL is not available for ARM64, so we're utilizing MySQL for the Edge database.  To use this as a persistent datastore, you will want to create the contatainer, and then 'pin' the image created in the Deployment Manifest.  Otherwise, the code will create a net new instantiation of MysQL during the build process.

2) You will need to either 'vi' or 'nano' into the /etc/docker/daemon.json - if this file doesn't exist, go ahead and create it.  in here, I recommend adding some implicit values that apply to all containers.  Here is the example I use:
    "dns": [""],
    "default-runtime": "nvidia",
    "runtimes": {
        "nvidia": {
            "path": "nvidia-container-runtime",
            "runtimeArgs": []
    "log-driver": "json-file",
    "log-opts": {
        "max-size": "10m",
        "max-file": "3"

3) Once you've built and deployed the Solution Accelerator containers, a new directory at /home/edge_assets will be created on the Edge device.  If you want to use the sample models and images contained in this repository for testing, you will need to elevate the permissions of this directory by running:

sudo chmod -R 777 /home/edge_assets

About our 'vision'

This project was built out of necessity - the need to provide for that 'last mile' connectivity of remote vision workloads while also solving for the unique challenges of these use cases. Taking a 'code-first' approach across a number of deep engagements with multiple manufacturing customers, we began to see universal patterns emerge:

  1. Build for flexibility:

Taking a 'code-first' approach meant being deliberate about choices in terms of programming language and the packages used. For this project, we coded everything in Python, and used only open source elements, such as OpenCV for image capture/manipulation and the Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) format for vision models. The goal is to provide a usable code base as is, but malleable enough that customers and/or our partners can easily customize it as well.

  1. Address the 80%:

Within our vision engagements, we found that 80%+ of the use cases revolved around anomaly detection, so the focus of this repository is on object detection. This could be detecting the presence of foreign objects in a production line, detection of errors in assembly, safety infractions such as the lack of PPE or a spill/leakage of product. While image classification and segmentation are also important areas which this repository will expand into eventually, the initial focus is on the majority use case. We will also, in time, provide patterns for integrating Computer Vision services such as OCR to augment capabilities.

  1. Plan for model retraining:

What many of the out-of-the-box solutions fail to plan for the eventual need for model retraining. A vision solution has to have the ability to augement its datasets, as model drift or 'data' drift happens - it's not a question of if, but a question of when. On the model side, perhaps there is a bias in your classes that gets revealed during production inferencing which requires a rebalancing of the class representation. On the 'data' side, it could be that a camera gets knocked out of aligment, the lighting in a plant changes or seasonal changes change the available natural light, etc.

  1. Always think about the Enterprise perspective:

The other challenge we've seen consistently in pre-built solutions is the propensity to create yet another silo. Although the lower layers of the ISA-95 network have traditionally been partially or totally 'airgapped' in Manufacturing, the current trend towards Industry 4.0 has created a paradigm shift to connect OT networks to IT systems. Vision systems have also traditionally been in that 'air-gapped' mode, but few have made the transition to Enterprise transparency. From what we've observed, vision analytics systems provide intrinsic value to the front-line plant engineers and workers, but that unique visibility into operations across an Enterprise has value all the way to the C-suite. From the QA to ERP to MES, vision analytics change the way organizations do business for the better.


Manufacturing Vision Accelerator for Nvidia ARM64v8 devices, i.e. Xavier.






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