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What is it?!

Well for one, it's pronounced like this: image

and it's a way to eliminate the asses from the reviews you spent your blood sweat and tears on... what do I mean you must ask??? Oh, well this is what I mean...

image because opening a GitHub issue was too much work I guess?! Maybe Suneil should have instead "opted out" of using the extention at all.

image more email protection pilots at work! Because they've never heard of running their own domains, or, or Apple, or... the miriad of other solutions if your email is that fucking precious.

image Is that really a serious question... one that is actually interested in a serious response?! Take care and fuck right off, you and the 1 other person that found your fuckery helpful!

I'll stop there and leave the 2 star folks alone... although they deserve to be set in stocks as well. I think you get the point. Those irritating human beings bring down the curve. For all others, all is well in the land of NiM and when it's not, they have the good sense to at least give the author a chance to correct whatever ills they may be feeling. Alas, I digress... or do I? Maybe that's the question and maybe it's not. What is Asss? Well, it's a tool to elimimiate the asses from your assessments (or reviews) and present only your best work. Indeed your true nature.


Here it is in action:

A gif and video are shown below, visit the site to see the live version (github pages embedding not possible)

Vue DevTools Extension: asss-vue

NiM --inspector Manager Extension (in full video glory, you must press play):
