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2.x Usage Laravel

Sam edited this page Apr 28, 2019 · 4 revisions
  1. Create a controller
php artisan make:controller Auth/SteamLoginController
  1. Extend kanalumaddela\LaravelSteamLogin\Http\Controllers\AbstractSteamLoginController.
    • An example is shown below. You can override the other methods if you choose to handle this a different way such as suppressing exceptions.
    • If you choose to handle post steam login differently (e.g. redirecting elsewhere) you can return a RedirectResponse.
    • If anything is returned, that will be used instead of the default redirect to previous page.

namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;

use App\User;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Auth;
use kanalumaddela\LaravelSteamLogin\Http\Controllers\AbstractSteamLoginController;
use kanalumaddela\LaravelSteamLogin\SteamUser;

class SteamLoginController extends AbstractSteamLoginController
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function authenticated(Request $request, SteamUser $steamUser)
        // find user by their steam account id, example assumes `steam_account_id` on `users` table
        $user = User::where('steam_account_id', $steamUser->accountId)->first();

        // if the user doesn't exist, create them
        if (!$user) {
            $steamUser->getUserInfo(); // retrieve and set user info pulled from steam

            $user = User::create([
                'name' => $steamUser->name, // personaname
                'steam_account_id' => $steamUser->accountId,

        // login the user using the Auth facade

        // let the extended controller handle redirect back to the page the user was just on
  1. Add the following routes to your routes/web.php. If you choose to use different route names, be sure to properly set those names in the config in the .env file so everything runs smoothly.
Route::get('login/steam', 'Auth\SteamLoginController@login')->name('login.steam');
Route::get('auth/steam', 'Auth\SteamLoginController@authenticate')->name('auth.steam'); // callback route when returning from steam

// or (this applies to v2.4+)
use App\Http\Controllers\Auth\SteamLoginController;
use kanalumaddela\LaravelSteamLogin\Facades\SteamLogin;

SteamLogin::routes(['controller' => SteamLoginController::class]);
  1. If you ARE NOT using Laravel's built in Auth::routes(), be sure to add a logout route
// Logout routes should not be GET unless you are passing the csrf token as a query param.
Route::post('logout', 'Auth\LoginController@logout')->name('logout');
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