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Common Issues

Matej edited this page Dec 1, 2023 · 12 revisions

This page covers common issues and gives you tips on maintaining stability over CoreArena and other Bukkit plugins in general.


Using CoreArena for dungeons

You can see some good tips on using our maps in your dungeons including chest refills and waves of mob fights here:

Can I have a class limit for players?

Yes, there's currently a workaround available, see this:

Common Issues

Procedural damage doesn't work

1.13+: This feature requires Minecraft 1.13 or greater. WorldGuard: Ensure that block-break flag is true. If you set it to false in the global region, you need to make a custom WorldGuard region around the arena and set it to true there.

Teleport commands on Player_Leave don't function.

If you're having trouble teleporting players to a custom location right after the arena ends, especially if using Multiverse-Core, please use a small plugin made for this by myself. Enter the command to that plugin and test with different delays to see what works. For more information, see this.

Users don't see classes.

Please add the permission corearena.class.KIT_NAME.

Arenas phases get stuck randomly?

If you are using monsters as your next_phase_mode in arenas.yml, please kill all entities or mobs when saving arena snapshots, and if you like, you can use the %corearena_player_current_nearestmob% in a scoreboard to track down mobs inside your arena if you can't find them...

I have FastAsyncWorldEdit and the procedural damage does not work!

Check console for "[FAWE tick-limiter] Detected and cancelled physics lag source (...)" messages. Try to disable tick-limiter to see if it helps. Make sure you have both latest FastAsyncWorldEdit and CoreArena.

As of 1.16.x and possibly earlier, FAWE does not work with CoreArena, this is not because of CoreArena, but rather the fact that FAWE is very unstable at this point in time. But don't worry, you can simply use the normal WorldEdit plugin and enable Block_Bulk_Restore_Amount in settings.yml to stop lag when loading large arenas!

How to run commands / give items on certain/every nth phase?

See this section in your arena.yml file:


Common Tips

  • To use color codes using the & character, put the entire message in quotes (double quotes "" also work). Example: Random_Message: '&cHello &aworld'

  • Use \n to make a new line. Put the message in quotes. Some systems require different file encodings, see below.

  • In localization, you can hide a message by setting it to 'none' or ''.

Check Your Encoding

WordPad or Notepad on Windows is known to cause issues

The plugin saves files like settings.yml or the localization files (messages_X.yml) in UTF-8 format. You need to use this encoding especially if you are using special characters like smileys, symbols and other unicode characters in your files.

On Windows, using Notepad++ for editing your configuration is highly recommended. Most systems accept the UTF-8 (BOM) or UTF-8 encoding (see the green circle at the image for your current encoding). ANSI does not support unicode and may break files. Notepad++

On Mac, Windows and Linux, we recommend using Atom for altering files. Check the green circle to detect your current encoding, click it to display a menu for changing it. Atom