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Github themes for Emacs

Those themes are designed to give your Emacs editor a sleek, modern look inspired by GitHub's theme mode. Below you'll find instructions on how to install and use them.

Old version can be found on my gist

Supported colorschemes

github-emacs-theme github-vscode-theme
github-dark Github Dark
github-dark-dimmed Github Dark Dimmed
github-light Github Light Theme


  • Supports the latest Emacs>=24 and features like Treesitter and LSP
  • Resembles GitHub's VSCode themes
  • Has Github's colorblind themes


  • Supports the latest Emacs>=24
  • True color support


Warning Ensure that autothemer is installed in your system.

Using use-package

If you use use-package, you can install the theme as follows:

(use-package github-dark-dimmed-theme
  :ensure t
  (load-theme 'github-dark-dimmed t))

Manual installation

  1. Download the github-dark-dimmed-theme.el file from the gist.
  2. Place the file in your Emacs load path. For example, you might place it in ~/.emacs.d/themes/.
  3. Add the following lines to your Emacs configuration file (~/.emacs or ~/.emacs.d/init.el):
(add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/.emacs.d/themes/")
(load-theme 'github-dark-dimmed t)


After installing the theme, you can activate it by running the following command:

M-x load-theme RET github-dark-dimmed RET


You can customize the theme by modifying the color palette and faces in the github-<color-theme>-theme.el file.

Example: Changing the Background Color

  1. Open the github-dark-dimmed-theme.el file.
  2. Locate the background-color variable within the color palette definition.
  3. Change the value of background-color to your desired color.

For example to change background color:

(background-color "#1c1f26" "#1c1f26")
  1. Save the file and reload the theme.


Github Dark


Github Dark Dimmed


Github Light



Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This theme is licensed under the GPL-3.0-or-later license. See the LICENSE file for details.