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Closed Apr 23, 2024 100% complete

Backwards incompatible release (major)

With v3.0.0, a huge maintenance release is rolled out.
Every property and every method is now fully typed, starting with method arguments up to object properties.
These kind of changes were necessary due to the changes in laminas-servicemanager v4.0.0 which is also fully typed starting with v4.0.

To reduce further ma…

Backwards incompatible release (major)

With v3.0.0, a huge maintenance release is rolled out.
Every property and every method is now fully typed, starting with method arguments up to object properties.
These kind of changes were necessary due to the changes in laminas-servicemanager v4.0.0 which is also fully typed starting with v4.0.

To reduce further maintenance effort, some niche serializers were dropped in favor or faster CI pipelines and due to the lack of cross-platform checks. Laminas wants to provide fully tested code which was not properly possible for at least the Wddx adapter.

The migration guide is available on the documentation website:

Breaking Changes

  • All methods within this component now have typed arguments and typed return
  • All properties within this component are now typed


  • Laminas\Serializer\Serializer is removed in favor of proper dependency injection
  • Laminas\Serializer\Adapter\MsgPack is removed to reduce the amount of maintenance within this component
  • Laminas\Serializer\Adapter\PythonPickle is removed to reduce the amount of maintenance within this component
  • Laminas\Serializer\Adapter\Wddx is removed to reduce the amount of maintenance within this component


  • Due to the removal of Laminas\Serializer\Serializer, projects now have to either instantiate the default serializer implementation or inject it by consuming the Laminas\Serializer\Adapter\AdapterInterface service


  • Laminas\Serializer\GenericSerializerFactory in case projects want to re-configure the default serializer (PhpSerialize) provided by the Laminas\Serializer\Adapter\AdapterInterface service
  • Compatibility with laminas/laminas-servicemanager v4.0.0 and therefore psr/container v2.0.0

This milestone is closed.

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