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Super Stoner 420

ScreenShot ScreenShot

  • Updated

Resolved a longstanding issue and updated the feature allowing users to adjust the window size by executing:

./SuperStoner --size 1440 1080

This game, SuperStoner, is a humorous platformer I developed some time ago. It features gameplay where the player maneuvers a character resembling Mario, engaging in item collection and enemy avoidance. To run this project, SDL_mixer, SDL_ttf, and SDL 1.2 are necessary. Compiling the game through the provided Makefile generates the SuperStoner420 directory, from which the game can be launched.

This game is just a joke, so don't take it seriously...

"Super Stoner 420" is a creation borne out of a spirit of humor and light-heartedness, designed to entertain rather than offend or harm. The game, crafted as a playful project, embodies a comedic take on video game archetypes, with its gameplay intentionally designed to be tedious and demand concentration from its players. This design choice serves to parody and satirize certain aspects of gaming culture and mechanics, encouraging players to engage with the game on a level that acknowledges its jest.

The character of Super Stoner, conceptualized as an anti-hero, is not meant to be taken seriously. This character is a deliberate exaggeration, created to invoke laughter and highlight the absurdities within the game and, by extension, certain facets of society and pop culture. The use of an anti-hero figure emphasizes the game's overarching theme of humor and satire, inviting players to view Super Stoner through a lens of irony and lighthearted critique.

It's paramount to understand that the essence of "Super Stoner 420" lies in its ability to entertain and provoke thought through satire and exaggerated scenarios. The game is a medium for comedy and should not be interpreted as a vehicle for negative messages or intentions. As the creator, the aim was never to demean or upset but rather to offer an escape into a world where the rules are deliberately skewed for comedic effect.

In sharing "Super Stoner 420," the hope is to foster an environment of fun and laughter, where the game becomes a source of amusement and a topic for friendly discussion. It is an invitation to not take things too seriously and to remember the value of humor in our lives, especially in contexts that might otherwise seem mundane or overly serious.