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Units definitions and their conversion library


uconv is a C++ library that allows to define physical quantities along with units definitions and conversions between different units through simple classes for defining and handling physical quantities, units measuring them, and quantities related to the units with transparent conversions.

Physical Quantities

A physical quantity is defined with the macro

                      "Unit Symbol", "Unit LaTeX symbol",

This macro declares a class defining a physical quantity. For example, we can define class named Temperature, around which temperature units would be grouped, as follows:

Declare_Physical_Quantity(Temperature, "T", "T",
		  "Average thermal energy of the particles in a substance");

Units Definition

A new unit is defined with the macro

Declare_Unit(Unit_Class_Name, "Unit symbol", "LaTeX symbol",
             "description", Physical_Quantity, 
             min-value, max-value);

This macro declares a class that defines a new unit related to the Physical_Quantity class which should be previously already declared. min-value and max-value are doubles defining the lower and upper bounds of the unit.

As example, let us consider Fahrenheit as class name that defines the well known temperature unit:

Declare_Unit(Fahrenheit, "degF", "\\degree{F}", 
     "Scale based on brine freezing (0) and boiling point (100)",
     Temperature, -459.67, 750);

Since LaTeX math mode commands often start by backslash, you must escape each backslash belonging to LaTeX expression. This is the reason for which you see two backslashes in the string that defines the LaTeX symbol.

Defining Unit Conversions

Unit conversion is relatively very easy if you use the Declare_Conversion macro whose syntax is as follows:

                   Target_Unit_Class_Name, parameter-name)

This macro declares a function signature to perform the conversion of a quantity expressed in Source_Unit_Class_Name towards Target_Unit_Class_Name, whose parameter is a double, and it returns a double corresponding to the converted value. Next of using of Declare_Conversion, the function conversion body, which implements the conversion, must be written. For example, for converting from Fahrenheit to Celsius you might write this thus:

Declare_Conversion(Fahrenheit, Celsius, t) { return (t - 32) / 1.8; }

Fahrenheit and Celsius class names must already be defined. The parameter t is a double in Fahrenheit and in the function body (between {}) is written the conversion.

Defining and Using Quantities

There are two ways for defining a quantity with its unit, everyone with its own class:

  1. Quantity<Unit_Class_Name>: a quantity whose unit is known in compiling time.

  2. VtlQuantity: a quantity whose unit is known in run time.

Quantity class

Quantity<Unit_Class_Name> is designed for dealing units and its conversions in compiling time, without need of lookups in run time. In addition, the template parameter directly indicates the unit that is being used.

As example, let us consider the following function:

Quantity<Km_h> speed(const Quantity<Meter> & distance,
                     const Quantity<Hour> & time)
  Quantity<Meter_h> ret_val = distance.raw() / time.raw();
  return ret_val;

The function computes the speed given the traversed distance and the lasted time. Distance is measured in meters and time in hours. However, conditioned to the existence of a conversion function, the distance and time could be in different units, kilometers or seconds, for example. So, you could have some like this:

Quantity<Kilometer> dist = 100;
Quantity<Second> t = 3600;

Quantity<Meter_s> s = speed(dist, t);

It is very important to understand everything that happens in the last line. First, since the speed() function was designed for handling meters and hours, the conversions form meters to kilometers and from seconds to hours are performed. So, at the beginning of the speed() function, the distance and time parameters are already in meters and hours respectively.

Second, the return value of speed() function is a Quantity whose unit is Km_h (kilometers per hour) but the computation is done in Meter_h (meters per hour). It is logic to define the result in meters per hours because this is the unit that fits with the received parameters. However the return value was declared in Km_h (kilometers per hour), which should not pose any problem if the conversion from Meter_s towards Km_h has been defined.

Finally, it is time to mention the raw() method, which simply removes the unit and returns a double. This is very important to notice because if you performed some such as this:

Quantity<Meter_h> ret_val = distance / time;

Then the library would try to find a unit that combines Meter and Second units in the division operation. Such kind of unit is called compounded unit and it could be defined with Declare_Compound_Unit macro in this way:

Declare_Compound_Unit(Meter_h, "Mt/s", "meters per second",
                      Speed, 0, 299792458, Meter, Second);

Compound units could be very useful for validations. However, they require to define many more conversions and especially to know the unit bounds, which increases the complexity. For this reason, it could be preferable to directly define speed units without indicating that they are compounded. Thus, in the example, we remove the units with the raw() method, next we perform the division, and finally we build a Quantity<Meter_h> object to store the result and express its unit.

When a conversion is required but this one has not been defined, a compiler error will be generated.

Quantity object always require to know their unit. Consequently, it is not possible to instantiate a empty Quantity, without a unit, because if not the boundary check could not be performed.

VltQuantity class

Quantity class is very adequate for defining computations without worry for the entry units. Computations reflecting a physical phenomenon could be defined in a natural way, directly expressed in their original units. The speed() function example clearly shows this kind of independence. Therefore, to the extent possible, we strongly advice to use Quantity class rather than VtlQuantity because it is safer and faster.

However, there are situations where it is not possible or desirable to know the units in which the computations will be expressed. Consider, for instance, to incorporate new operations in running time, some such like a new formula. In this case, a Quantity object is not applicable because it requires to know the unit type in compiling time. For dealing with situations like this, the VtlQuantity class is provided.

There is not so much difference between a Quantity and a Vtlquantity object. Essentially, the main difference is that the Vtlquantity constructor requires the unit as part of its parameters (to the difference of Quantity that receives the unit as a template parameter).

The price of a Vtlquantity object is the possibility of a table look up in order to find the conversion function. Apart of that, practically use of Quantity and VtlQuantity is very similar. In fact, you can arbitrarily combine them.

Mathematical operations

uconv export some mathematical operations. In all operations, the unit limits are checked.

The main binary mathematical operators +, -, * and / are exported. Each binary operation can receive, Quantity, VtlQuantity or double objects. If a double is received, then it is assumed that its unit is the same than the another operand. + and - operators require that both operands are in the same physical quantity yet conversion is transparently done if the units are different (but belonging to the same physical quantity). In the case of * and / operands, the compound unit corresponding to the result is required.

Other wrappers to C mathematical functions are provided: pow(), exp(), log10(), sqrt(), etc. All this functions return a double.

Defining bounds tolerance

Since the most of conversions involve floating point operations, the units limits are verified respect a tolerance value called epsilon. By default, this value is 1e-6 but it can be set to any other value. Let be min-val and max-val the limits of some unit. Then, the limits check is done on the interval [min-val - epsilon, max-val + epsilon]. Notice that without this tolerance, then we could get an OutOfUnitRange exception if, for example, we convert min-value to another unit and we return again on the original unit.

The uconv-list.H header file

The current way for indicating to the library which are the units is through file inclusion in the uconv-list.H header file. When the library is built, the system will search this file in order to generate all the needed bookkeeping.


There are two ways for integrating uconv to your project. The first one is by adding your units directly to the library distribution and then building the libuconv.a file. This way implies that you should edit the uconv-list.H file and put file inclusions to your unit definitions. The second way, which is the recommended, is to create and manage your own uconv-list.H (or another name that you want) and building your own libuconv.a file (or another name that you want).

Let us suppose that your unit definitions are in uconv-list.H file. First, this file must include the header uconv.H followed by file inclusions to your units definitions. Some such that:

# include <uconv.H>
# include "units/temperature-unit.H"
# include "units/pressure-unit.H"
# include "units/density-unit.H"
// so on ...

From the second line, each line is a file inclusion to a header containing a physical quantity along with its units.

You must put an inclusion for uconv-list.H in every place of your project requiring to manage units. Note that you can rename uconv-list.H, but you should not remove the inclusion to uconv.H.

Your project must be able to locate the headers uconv.H and uconv-list.H and to link libuconv.a file to the every executable.

Building the libuconv.a library inside the uconv distribution

In this case, the recommended way is to place the units definitions headers in the include/units sub directory. Once you have already defined all your units, go to the lib directory and perform:

make depend
make all

If everything was okay, you will have libuconv.a file in the directory.

The provided Imakefile file is configured for using clang compiler and its sanitizer. Also, by default the library is compiled without optimization. Therefore, if you really adopt this approach to integrate your units to your project, we advice you to edit the Imakefile, suppress the sanitizer flags, and to set -O2 compiler flag.

Building your own libuconv.a library

If you have several projects managing units, then you probably will want to manage several and independent unit systems. In this case, you will not probably want to build libuconv.a inside uconv distribution because this library will contain all the units through all your projects with the consequent waste of space and time.

In order to manage this, you can use the script buildunits contained in the bin directory. Its command line syntax is as follows:

buildunits -U uconv-list-file -H path-to-uconv-header

Let us suppose that you have defined your unit in my-units.H file. Then, you perform:

buildunits -U my-units.H -H myproject/include

This command will build libuconv.a in the directory where buildunits was called.

If you need a different name for your library, then you could rename it or use the flag -l library-name. Referring the previous example, you could perform:

buildunits -U my-units.H -H myproject/include -l my-units.a

Usage in your project

uconv internally uses several tables for storing physical quantities names, units and conversions. For this reason, it is imperative to explicitly initialize the library. The most recommended way for doing that is with UnitsInstancer class, which is a singleton and that must be called before any use of uconv. As general rule, we recommend to instantiate just next the uconv-list.H header inclusion. Some such this:

# include <uconv-list.H>
UnitsInstancer init; // or any other name that you want
// here you could put other header inclusions

Be careful with a double instantiation that could cause a linking conflict. You could avoid that by using a macro guard:

UnitsInstancer init;
# endif

Building Requirements

You will need Aleph-w library, which can be downloaded from and the Niels Lohmann (nlohmann) jsbon library, which can be downloaded from

In order to build the library, you will need to have installed Ruby, given that the scripts are written in this language.

Tests and demos expect to find the clang compiler and they use its sanitizer. You can remove this dependence by editing the Imakefiles. On each Imakefile do:

  1. Comment the definitions of CXX, CLINK, AR and RANLIB.

  2. Erase the compiler flag -fsanitize=address,undefined.

uconv has only been tested on Linux systems, but it is supposed to run without problems on other systems where Aleph-w library is installed.

Running Tests

Unit test cases are located it Tests directory. For performing them, you will need googletest

For executing all the tests:


For executing a specific test:

./run-test -f test-file

Demo tests are located in tests directory. Inside tests directory execute

make all

You will have the following executables:

  1. convert: simple unit converter.

  2. vector-convert: vector unit converter.

  3. test-all-units: a unit bounds tester given a physical quantity.


Since uconv depends on components that are licensed under GNU GPL v3, uconv is also licensed on the GNU GPL v3.

See LICENSE. COPYRIGHT (c) 2018, Leandro Rabindranath Leon, Ixhel Mejias and Alberto Valderrama