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Releases: mar10/fancytree


23 Nov 18:12
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  • [CHANGED] [ext-persist] overrideSource option now defaults to true
  • [Added] [ext-filter] Option autoApply re-applies filter on lazy loading
    (on by default)
  • [Added] quicksearch: navigate to next node by typing the first letters
  • [Improved] [ext-dnd] Make draggable helper and parent configurable
  • [Improved] #153 Add class fancytree-unselectable to respective nodes and
    dimm unselectable checkboxes
  • [Improved] Update to jQuery 1.1.11, jQuery UI 1.11.2
  • [Improved] New mode 'firstChild' for node.addNode()
  • [Fixed] #324 Fix problem where minExpandLevel was not expanding root node
  • [Fixed] #300 dnd.focusOnClick for jQuery UI 1.11
  • [Fixed] #354 [ext-persist] with selectMode 3
  • All commits


23 Sep 17:33
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  • [Fixed] Regression #323


21 Sep 11:15
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  • [CHANGED] Renamed dist/jquery.fancytree-custom.min.js to jquery.fancytree-all.min.js
  • [CHANGED] ext-edit callbacks no longer pass data.value (use data.input.val() instead).
  • [Added] CDN support (!jquery.fancytree)
  • [Added] New method node.visitAndLoad()
  • [Added] New method node.editCreateNode() (ext-edit)
  • [Added] New method node.isRootNode()
  • [Added] New method node.isTopLevel()
  • [Added] New option id to override default tree id
  • [Added] New argument stopOnParents for tree.generateFormElements()
  • [Improved] #294 node.load() should resolve 'ok', if node is already loaded
  • [Improved] #293 minExpandLevel does not auto-expand
  • [Improved] #313 Allow HTML in tooltips
  • [Fixed] crash in scrollIntoView() when parent is window
  • [Fixed] #305 Checkbox doesn't show with Glyph + Table
  • [Fixed] #316 Fix hasChildren() when children = []
  • [Fixed] #237 ajax LoadError not updated in StatusNode with Table ext
  • [Deprecated] node.isRoot(). Use node.isRootNode() instead


17 Aug 13:57
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  • [CHANGED] renamed (undocumented) event 'loaderror' to 'loadError'
  • [Added] postProcess now allows to signal error conditions (so it becomes easy to handle custom ajax response formats)
  • [Added] node.setStatus()
  • [Added] ext-clones to the standard distribution.
  • [Improved] loadError allows to return false to prevent default handling
  • [Fixed] #258 Fix moveTo when moving a node to same parent
  • [Fixed] #257 Glyph expander sometimes disappears


28 Jun 15:20
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  • [Added] Option dnd.focusOnClick sets focus to tree widget, even when dragging
    is enabled
  • [Added]
  • [Improved] #245 tree.generateInput() now returns data using PHPs array
    convention, i.e. by appending brackets to the name: 'ft_1[]'.
  • [Fixed] #250: Children lazy empty nodes remain checked when parent is
    unchecked with hierarchical multi-selection
  • [Fixed] #272 Navigation in filtered trees


29 May 15:20
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  • [Added] #210: [ext-persist] optionally store information in sessionStorage or localStorage
  • [Added] #64 [ext-filter] filterBranches() will restrict display to sub-trees
  • [Added] New options 'scrollParent' and 'scrollOfs' are evaluated by node.scrollIntoView()
    (which is also called on expand). This allows autoScroll to work with
    [ext-table]: set scrollParent to window or a wrapper DIV with overflow: auto
  • [Added] [ext-wide] use 100% wide selection bar (experimental)
  • [Added] $.ui.fancytree.debounce()
  • [Improved] [ext-columnview] css
  • [Improved] skin-win8 now includes the loading.gif as inline CSS for faster response
  • [Improved] Add 'fancytree-icon' class to icon IMG
  • [Improved] css v-align for checkboxes and icons
  • [Fixed] #217: persistence when node keys are numeric
  • [Fixed] #228: html in node title prevents click
  • [Fixed] #235: D'n'd helper is displaced, when window is scrolled
  • [Fixed] #241: fromDict() does not update node title
  • [Fixed] relative custom imagePath option
  • [Deprecated] [ext-filter] Use filterNodes() instead of applyFilter()
  • [Deprecated] [ext-filter] 'leavesOnly' option removed (see filterNodes())


01 May 20:11
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Initial release, see the change log.


29 Apr 18:03
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v2.0.0-12 Pre-release
  • [Added] /dist/src folder contains uncompressed extensions for bower
  • [Improved] cleanup


27 Apr 20:32
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v2.0.0-11 Pre-release
  • [Added] /dist/jquery.fancytree-custom.min.js with AMD support
  • [Added] #56: Allow to set special node.attributes from data-...
  • [Added] #191: Allow to set additional attributes from
    • [Added] [ext-childcounter] #202: Allow lazy children count
    • [Improved] #192: Removed 'height: 100%' for container (was introduced to fix
      an IE 9 bug, that now should be solved by 'min-height: 0%')
    • [Improved] [ext-table] #93 renderColumns called for status nodes
      (added 'customStatus' option)
    • [Improved] [ext-dnd] #196 Make draggable/droppable options configurable
    • [Fixed] [ext-glyph] #194 Render noExpander icon from icon map for leaf nodes
    • [Fixed] #197: Allow special characters in tooltips
    • [Fixed] #68: renderStatus method doesn't render 'loading' status
    • [Fixed] #201: originalEvent not passed along to activate callback
    • [Fixed] [ext-glyph] compatible with ext-table


13 Apr 15:14
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v2.0.0-10 Pre-release
  • [Added] New method node.appendSibling()
  • [Improved] setExpanded resolves promise after scrollIntoView
  • [Improved] Allow to return false in lazyLoad for manual loading.
  • [Improved] [ext-table] trigger expand event after animations
  • [Improved] [ext-gridnav] skips empty and merged cells
  • [Improved] grunt build no longer depends on
  • [Fixed] selectMode: 1 + "selected": true looks buggy