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GitHub Action

Laminas Continuous Integration

v0 Pre-release

Laminas Continuous Integration


Laminas Continuous Integration

Run a CI check for the package


Copy and paste the following snippet into your .yml file.


- name: Laminas Continuous Integration

uses: laminas/laminas-continuous-integration-action@v0

Learn more about this action in laminas/laminas-continuous-integration-action

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Laminas Continuous Integration GitHub Action

This repository represents a GitHub action that runs a single job in the laminas/laminas-continuous-integration-action.

A job is presented as an argument to the container, and will be a JSON string representing the job to run.

NOTE that it is a JSON string representation, and not an actual JSON object.

The JSON string should represent an object with the following information:

  "php": "string PHP minor version to run against",
  "extensions": [
    "extension names to install; names are from the ondrej PHP repository, minus the php{VERSION}- prefix",
  "ini": [
    "php.ini directives, one per element; e.g. 'memory_limit=-1'",
  "dependencies": "dependencies to test against; one of lowest, locked, latest",
  "command": "command to run to perform the check",

The PHP version and command are required; all other elements are optional.

It will then execute the job, and the exit status will determine job failure or success.

Generally speaking, you will use this in combination with the laminas/laminas-ci-matrix-action, which will build a matrix of jobs for you based on configuration files already present in your package.


    name: Generate job matrix
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      matrix: ${{ steps.matrix.outputs.matrix }}
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
        name: Gather CI configuration
        id: matrix
        uses: laminas/laminas-ci-matrix-action@v0

    name: QA Checks
    needs: [matrix]
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.operatingSystem }}
      fail-fast: false
      matrix: ${{ fromJSON(needs.matrix.outputs.matrix) }}
      - name: ${{ }}
        uses: laminas/laminas-continuous-integration-action@v0
          job: ${{ matrix.job }}