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Merge pull request #2524 from mbeddr/refactor/deactivateScreenshooter…
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Refactor/deactivate screenshooter again
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arimer committed Sep 18, 2024
2 parents bcad760 + 6c242d1 commit 7a3e074
Showing 1 changed file with 5 additions and 1 deletion.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -276,6 +276,7 @@
<child id="8276990574909234106" name="finallyBody" index="1wplMD" />
<concept id="1073239437375" name="jetbrains.mps.baseLanguage.structure.NotEqualsExpression" flags="nn" index="3y3z36" />
<concept id="1081855346303" name="jetbrains.mps.baseLanguage.structure.BreakStatement" flags="nn" index="3zACq4" />
<concept id="1178549954367" name="jetbrains.mps.baseLanguage.structure.IVisible" flags="ng" index="1B3ioH">
<child id="1178549979242" name="visibility" index="1B3o_S" />
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2317,7 +2318,7 @@
<node concept="17QB3L" id="5Ulr5FUQKky" role="1tU5fm" />
<node concept="3cpWs3" id="5Ulr5FUQLHz" role="33vP2m">
<node concept="Xl_RD" id="5Ulr5FUQLH$" role="3uHU7B">
<property role="Xl_RC" value="Screenshots might not be taken correctly in MpsEnvironment (Ant &lt;generate&gt; task). " />
<property role="Xl_RC" value="Screenshots cannot be taken in MpsEnvironment (Ant &lt;generate&gt; task). " />
<node concept="Xl_RD" id="5Ulr5FUQLH_" role="3uHU7w">
<property role="Xl_RC" value="Use mps-gradle-plugin, mps-build-backends, MPS tests, or other means to run the MPS make process in an IDEA environment." />
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2851,6 +2852,7 @@
<ref role="3cqZAo" node="5Ulr5FUQ$ao" resolve="reportMpsEnvironment" />
<node concept="3zACq4" id="5Ulr5FUQ9rW" role="3cqZAp" />
<node concept="37vLTw" id="5Ulr5FUPY0h" role="3clFbw">
<ref role="3cqZAo" node="5Ulr5FUPOud" resolve="isMpsEnvironment" />
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3191,11 +3193,13 @@
<ref role="3cqZAo" node="5Ulr5FUQ$ao" resolve="reportMpsEnvironment" />
<node concept="3zACq4" id="5Ulr5FUQHa8" role="3cqZAp" />
<node concept="37vLTw" id="5Ulr5FUQHa9" role="3clFbw">
<ref role="3cqZAo" node="5Ulr5FUPOud" resolve="isMpsEnvironment" />
<node concept="3clFbH" id="5Ulr5FUQgvP" role="3cqZAp" />
<node concept="3cpWs8" id="223OxQl_y91" role="3cqZAp">
<node concept="3cpWsn" id="223OxQl_y92" role="3cpWs9">
<property role="TrG5h" value="node" />
Expand Down

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