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Matheus Clemente edited this page May 12, 2024 · 4 revisions


A language selection dropbox is available above the chat text box so you can select which language you want your character to speak in.


When loading a world, only the last 100 messages are scrambled to avoid making load times insane on a big chat log.

Language Selector


The Checkbox

The checkbox is a shortcut to disable the scrambling, any user who unchecks it will speak as normal.

The Pips

The selector will show some pips with the same color as the players' colors. They mean to tell which languages are understood by which users.

Hovering over a pip will display that player's name and the names of every owned actor that understands that language.


If a player is affected by special languages, such as the Omniglot, Omniscient or Omnispeech languages, their pip will be displayed, even though they might not be able to speak said language.


You can write text in a specific script and only players who speak that language will understand it. If they understand the language, hovering over the text will show the language's name.


Pay attention to Journal Ownership. The owner of a journal can scramble/unscramble the contents of a journal, so beware about granting ownership of a journal with scrambled text.

Adding Languages

If your system doesn't have a default way to add languages to characters, you can add languages by adding items with this pattern: Language (Foo) for the language Foo. The language will then show up on the selector on the chat box.
Remember to add the languages to the Custom Languages setting to be able to change the font it uses (you'll notice it isn't there because the name on the selector will be lowercased).

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