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Go Assessment Project

1.1 Description

A Go project with some API which retrieves/modifies some files containing the balance of accounts. The project should include a config file, which stores the directory of these files.

2.1 Requirements

  • An API to create a number of accounts (balance files) in the directory
    • The balance of each account should be generated randomly, ranging from 1,000 to 100,000
    • These files (accounts' balances) could be created only once
  • An API to get the balance of one/all account(s)
  • An API to add number x to the balance of one/all account(s)
  • Specify the pieces of code which have applied SOLID principle
3.1 Guide
  • Comment
    • Search for #SOLID to see the examples of applied SOLID principles
    • Search for #TODO to see the possible improvements which I could not implement in the specified time period
    • Search for #Desc to see my reasons for making some specific decisions
3.2 Project structure

from the highest level to lowest:

  1. API layer (./api)
  2. The business layer (./account)
  3. The internal layer (./internal)

4.1 How to use

4.2 Sample API call
  • Create accounts URL: localhost:8080/accounts?number=1000 Verb: POST
  • Get a balance URL: localhost:8080/accounts?id=12 Verb: GET
  • Get sum of all balances URL: localhost:8080/accounts?result=aggregate Verb: GET
  • increase a balance URL: localhost:8080/accounts?id=12&increase=1000 Verb: PUT
  • increase all balances URL: localhost:8080/accounts?increase=1000 Verb: PUT
4.3 Config
  • accountsDir: string, the directory which keeps the accounts files
  • logsFile: string, the file path to store logs
  • isConcurrent: boolean, to check if the service should behave concurrently
  • isProduction: boolean, production vs debug (excluded from config_test)
  • restPort: number, rest api port
  • defaultAccountNumbers: number, the default number of accounts to created
  • randomBalanceMinRange: number, the min range of random balance generation
  • randomBalanceMaxRange: number, the max range of random balance generation
  • maxConcurrentGoroutines: number, the max number of concurrent go routines
  • accountFileExtension: text, the file extension of accounts including a dot (.txt)

5.1 TODO

  • Add more tests
  • Implement delete API
  • Define more explicit error types
    • assert them in tests
    • use them to return more explicit HTTP error codes
  • return error in get/update methods when there is no balance file
  • Rollback changes when batch update is failed
  • Wrap zap(logger) by an interface
  • Put data validation on config (random balance generation range for instance)


Go Assessment






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