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Updated strings from microsoft/vscode-loc-drop@b58357d (#1409)
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azure-pipelines[bot] and vscode committed Jun 24, 2023
1 parent 9ee5355 commit 283d13c
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Showing 14 changed files with 14 additions and 14 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion i18n/vscode-language-pack-cs/translations/main.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4551,7 +4551,7 @@
"vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": {
"chat-help-label": "Nápověda k funkcím přístupnosti chatu",
"chat.announcement": "Odpovědi na chat budou oznámeny, jakmile přijdou. Odpověď bude označovat počet bloků kódu, pokud nějaké jsou, a zbytek odpovědi.",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of By default, if a request takes more than 5 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.",
"chat.overview": "Zobrazení chatu se skládá ze vstupního pole a seznamu požadavků a odpovědí. Vstupní pole se používá k zadávání požadavků a seznam se používá k zobrazení odpovědí.",
"chat.requestHistory": "Ve vstupním poli můžete pomocí šipek nahoru a dolů procházet historii požadavků. Upravte vstup a pomocí klávesy Enter nebo tlačítka Odeslat spusťte novou žádost.",
"inline-chat-label": "Nápověda k funkcím přístupnosti vloženého chatu",
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion i18n/vscode-language-pack-de/translations/main.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4551,7 +4551,7 @@
"vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": {
"chat-help-label": "Hilfe zur Barrierefreiheit des Chats",
"chat.announcement": "Chatantworten werden angekündigt, sobald sie eingehen. Eine Antwort gibt ggf. die Anzahl der Codeblöcke und dann den Rest der Antwort an.",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of By default, if a request takes more than 5 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.",
"chat.overview": "Die Chatansicht besteht aus einem Eingabefeld und einer Anforderungs-/Antwortliste. Das Eingabefeld wird zum Ausführen von Anforderungen und die Liste zum Anzeigen von Antworten verwendet.",
"chat.requestHistory": "Verwenden Sie im Eingabefeld die Pfeiltasten nach oben und unten, um in Ihrem Anforderungsverlauf zu navigieren. Bearbeiten Sie die Eingabe, und verwenden Sie die EINGABETASTE oder die Schaltfläche „Übermitteln“, um eine neue Anforderung auszuführen.",
"inline-chat-label": "Hilfe zur Barrierefreiheit des Inlinechats",
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion i18n/vscode-language-pack-es/translations/main.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4551,7 +4551,7 @@
"vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": {
"chat-help-label": "Ayuda de accesibilidad del chat",
"chat.announcement": "Las respuestas del chat se anunciarán a medida que vayan llegando. Una respuesta indicará el número de bloques de código, si los hay, y a continuación el resto de la respuesta.",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of By default, if a request takes more than 5 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.",
"chat.overview": "La vista de chat consta de un cuadro de entrada y una lista de solicitudes y respuestas. El cuadro de entrada se usa para realizar solicitudes y la lista se usa para mostrar respuestas.",
"chat.requestHistory": "En el cuadro de entrada, utilice las flechas arriba y abajo para navegar por el historial de solicitudes. Edite la entrada y pulse Entrar o el botón de Enviar para ejecutar una nueva solicitud.",
"inline-chat-label": "Ayuda de accesibilidad del chat insertado",
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion i18n/vscode-language-pack-fr/translations/main.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4551,7 +4551,7 @@
"vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": {
"chat-help-label": "Aide à l’accessibilité à al conversation",
"chat.announcement": "Les réponses de conversation seront annoncées à mesure qu’elles arrivent. Une réponse indique le nombre de blocs de code, le cas échéant, puis le reste de la réponse.",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of By default, if a request takes more than 5 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.",
"chat.overview": "L’affichage de la conversation est composé d’une zone d’entrée et d’une liste de demandes/réponses. La zone d’entrée est utilisée pour effectuer des requêtes et la liste est utilisée pour afficher les réponses.",
"chat.requestHistory": "Dans la zone d’entrée, utilisez les flèches vers le haut et vers le bas pour naviguer dans l’historique de vos demandes. Modifiez la saisie et utilisez le bouton Entrée ou le bouton Envoyer pour lancer une nouvelle requête.",
"inline-chat-label": "Aide à l’accessibilité à la conversation en ligne",
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion i18n/vscode-language-pack-it/translations/main.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4551,7 +4551,7 @@
"vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": {
"chat-help-label": "Guida all'accessibilità della chat",
"chat.announcement": "Le risposte alla chat verranno annunciate man mano che arrivano. Una risposta indicherà il numero di blocchi di codice, se presenti, e quindi il resto della risposta.",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of By default, if a request takes more than 5 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.",
"chat.overview": "La visualizzazione della chat è costituita da una casella di input e da un elenco di richieste/risposte. La casella di input viene usata per effettuare richieste e l'elenco viene usato per visualizzare le risposte.",
"chat.requestHistory": "Nella casella di input usare le frecce SU e GIÙ per spostarsi nella cronologia delle richieste. Modificare l'input e usare INVIO o il pulsante Invia per eseguire una nuova richiesta.",
"inline-chat-label": "Guida all'accessibilità della chat inline",
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion i18n/vscode-language-pack-ja/translations/main.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4551,7 +4551,7 @@
"vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": {
"chat-help-label": "チャットのアクセシビリティのヘルプ",
"chat.announcement": "チャットの応答は、届いた時に通知されます。応答は、コード ブロックの数 (存在する場合)、応答の残りの部分を示します。",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of By default, if a request takes more than 5 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.",
"chat.overview": "チャット ビューは、入力ボックスと要求/応答リストで構成されています。入力ボックスは要求を行うために使用され、リストは応答を表示するために使用されます。",
"chat.requestHistory": "入力ボックスで、上矢印/下矢印を使用して要求履歴を移動します。入力を編集し、Enter キーまたは [送信] ボタンを使用して新しい要求を実行します。",
"inline-chat-label": "インライン チャットのアクセシビリティのヘルプ",
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion i18n/vscode-language-pack-ko/translations/main.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4551,7 +4551,7 @@
"vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": {
"chat-help-label": "채팅 접근성 도움말",
"chat.announcement": "채팅 응답이 들어오면 알림이 표시됩니다. 응답은 코드 블록 수를 나타내고(있는 경우) 그 뒤에 나머지 응답을 나타냅니다.",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of By default, if a request takes more than 5 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.",
"chat.overview": "채팅 보기는 입력 상자와 요청/응답 목록으로 구성됩니다. 입력 상자는 요청을 하는 데 사용되며 목록은 응답을 표시하는 데 사용됩니다.",
"chat.requestHistory": "입력 상자에서 위쪽 및 아래쪽 화살표를 사용하여 요청 기록을 탐색합니다. 입력을 편집하고 Enter 키 또는 제출 단추를 사용하여 새 요청을 실행합니다.",
"inline-chat-label": "인라인 채팅 접근성 도움말",
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion i18n/vscode-language-pack-pl/translations/main.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4551,7 +4551,7 @@
"vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": {
"chat-help-label": "Pomoc dotycząca ułatwień dostępu czatu",
"chat.announcement": "Odpowiedzi na czacie będą ogłaszane w miarę ich napływania. Odpowiedź będzie wskazywać liczbę bloków kodu, jeśli takie istnieją, a następnie pozostałą część odpowiedzi.",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of By default, if a request takes more than 5 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.",
"chat.overview": "Widok czatu składa się z pola wprowadzania i listy żądań/odpowiedzi. Pole wprowadzania służy do wysyłania żądań, a lista do wyświetlania odpowiedzi.",
"chat.requestHistory": "W polu wprowadzania użyj strzałek w górę i w dół, aby poruszać się po historii zgłoszeń. Edytuj dane wejściowe i użyj przycisku Enter lub przycisku przesyłania, aby uruchomić nowe żądanie.",
"inline-chat-label": "Śródwierszowa pomoc dotycząca ułatwień dostępu do czatu",
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4551,7 +4551,7 @@
"vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": {
"chat-help-label": "Ajuda de acessibilidade de chat",
"chat.announcement": "As respostas de chat serão anunciadas conforme elas forem recebidas. Uma resposta indicará o número de blocos de código, se houver, e o restante da resposta.",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of By default, if a request takes more than 5 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.",
"chat.overview": "O modo de exibição de chat é composta por uma caixa de entrada e uma lista de solicitações/respostas. A caixa de entrada é usada para fazer solicitações e a lista é usada para exibir as respostas.",
"chat.requestHistory": "Na caixa de entrada, use as setas para cima e para baixo para navegar pelo histórico de solicitações. Edite a entrada e use enter ou o botão enviar para executar uma nova solicitação.",
"inline-chat-label": "Ajuda de acessibilidade de chat embutido",
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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"vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": {
"chat-help-label": "Çhæt æççëssïþïlïtÿ hëlp",
"chat.announcement": "Çhæt rëspøñsës wïll þë æññøµñçëð æs thëÿ çømë ïñ. Æ rëspøñsë wïll ïñðïçætë thë ñµmþër øf çøðë þløçks, ïf æñÿ, æñð thëñ thë rëst øf thë rëspøñsë.",
"chat.audioCues": "Ƶðïø çµës çæñ þë çhæñgëð vïæ sëttïñgs wïth æ prëfïx øf æµðïøǵës.çhæt.",
"chat.audioCues": "Ƶðïø çµës çæñ þë çhæñgëð vïæ sëttïñgs wïth æ prëfïx øf æµðïøǵës.çhæt. ßÿ ðëfæµlt, ïf æ rëqµëst tækës mørë thæñ 5 sëçøñðs, ÿøµ wïll hëær æñ æµðïø çµë ïñðïçætïñg thæt prøgrëss ïs stïll øççµrrïñg.",
"chat.overview": "Thë çhæt vïëw ïs çømprïsëð øf æñ ïñpµt þøx æñð æ rëqµëst/rëspøñsë lïst. Thë ïñpµt þøx ïs µsëð tø mækë rëqµësts æñð thë lïst ïs µsëð tø ðïsplæÿ rëspøñsës.",
"chat.requestHistory": "Ïñ thë ïñpµt þøx, µsë µp æñð ðøwñ ærrøws tø ñævïgætë ÿøµr rëqµëst hïstørÿ. Ëðït ïñpµt æñð µsë ëñtër ør thë sµþmït þµttøñ tø rµñ æ ñëw rëqµëst.",
"inline-chat-label": "Ïñlïñë çhæt æççëssïþïlïtÿ hëlp",
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion i18n/vscode-language-pack-ru/translations/main.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4551,7 +4551,7 @@
"vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": {
"chat-help-label": "Справка по специальным возможностям чата",
"chat.announcement": "Ответы в чате будут объявляться по мере их получения. В ответе будет указано количество блоков кода (если они есть), а затем остальная часть ответа.",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of By default, if a request takes more than 5 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.",
"chat.overview": "Представление чата состоит из поля ввода и списка запросов и ответов. Поле ввода используется для создания запросов, а список — для отображения ответов.",
"chat.requestHistory": "В поле входных данных используйте клавиши СТРЕЛКА ВВЕРХ и СТРЕЛКА ВНИЗ для навигации по журналу запросов. Измените входные данные и используйте клавишу ВВОД или кнопку отправки для выполнения нового запроса.",
"inline-chat-label": "Справка по специальным возможностям для встроенного чата",
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion i18n/vscode-language-pack-tr/translations/main.i18n.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4551,7 +4551,7 @@
"vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": {
"chat-help-label": "Sohbet erişilebilirliği yardımı",
"chat.announcement": "Sohbet yanıtları geldikçe duyurulacak. Yanıt, varsa kod bloğu sayısını ve ardından yanıtın geri kalanını belirtir.",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of By default, if a request takes more than 5 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.",
"chat.overview": "Sohbet görünümü bir giriş kutusu ve istek/yanıt listesinden oluşur. Giriş kutusu istek yapmak için ve liste, yanıtları görüntülemek için kullanılır.",
"chat.requestHistory": "Giriş kutusundayken, istek geçmişinizde gezinmek için yukarı ve aşağı ok tuşlarını kullanın. Yeni bir istek çalıştırmak için girişi düzenleyin ve Enter tuşunu veya gönder düğmesini kullanın.",
"inline-chat-label": "Satır içi sohbet erişilebilirlik yardımı",
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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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"vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": {
"chat-help-label": "聊天辅助功能帮助",
"chat.announcement": "聊天答复将在他们进入时公布。答复将指示代码块的数量(如果有),然后指示响应的其余部分。",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of By default, if a request takes more than 5 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.",
"chat.overview": "聊天视图由输入框和请求/响应列表组成。输入框用于发出请求,列表用于显示响应。",
"chat.requestHistory": "在输入框中,使用向上和向下箭头导航请求历史记录。编辑输入并使用 Enter 或提交按钮运行新请求。",
"inline-chat-label": "内联聊天辅助功能帮助",
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"vs/workbench/contrib/chat/browser/actions/chatAccessibilityHelp": {
"chat-help-label": "聊天協助工具說明",
"chat.announcement": "聊天回應會在傳入時宣告。回應會指出程式碼區塊的數目 (如果有的話),接著是回應的其餘部分。",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of",
"chat.audioCues": "Audio cues can be changed via settings with a prefix of By default, if a request takes more than 5 seconds, you will hear an audio cue indicating that progress is still occurring.",
"chat.overview": "聊天檢視包含輸入方塊和要求/回應清單。輸入方塊用來提出要求,而清單則用來顯示回應。",
"chat.requestHistory": "在輸入方塊中,使用向上鍵和向下鍵來瀏覽您的要求歷程記錄。編輯輸入,並使用 Enter 或提交按鈕執行新要求。",
"inline-chat-label": "內嵌聊天協助工具說明",
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