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Zero Trust and Azure Imaging

This zero trust imaging solution for Azure allows you create images in an Azure environment that adheres to zero trust. While other options exist in Azure, its either a manual process or it doesn't adhere to zero trust. Azure Image Builder (AIB) is a great imaging service in Azure but does not adhere to zero trust. The service creates a staging resource group with a storage account that cannot be configured with a private endpoint. This breaks the zero trust principles. This solution uses a storage account with a private endpoint to store applications and the existing, preconfigured resources that comply with the principles.

graph TD;

    A[Download Software Prerequisites] -->B(Upload Scripts and Installers to Storage Account)-->C(Review Azure Resource Requirements) -->D(Clone Repo) --> E(Create TemplateSpec)--> F(Ready for Zero Trust Imaging)


Azure Resource Provider Feature for Encryption At Host

This solution adheres to Zero Trust which dictates that all virtual machine disks must be encrypted. The encryption at host feature enables disk encryption on virtual machine temp and cache disks. To use this feature, a resource provider feature must enabled on your Azure subscription. Use the following PowerShell script to enable the feature:

Register-AzProviderFeature -FeatureName "EncryptionAtHost" -ProviderNamespace "Microsoft.Compute"

Required Permissions

Permissions: Ensure the principal deploying the solution has "Owner" and "Key Vault Administrator" roles assigned on the target Azure subscription. This solution deploys role assignments at various scopes so the principal deploying this solution will need to be an Owner at the subscription scope for a successful deployment. It also deploys a key and secrets in a key vault to enhance security. A custom role may be used to reduce the scope of permisions required if your organization wants to use something other than they built in roles.

Creating a custom role


Ensure the following software is installed on your client workstation:

Upload the following scripts and files to your storage account container

Example Custom Installers

Alt text

Existing Azure Resources

The following resources must exist in your Azure environment before deployment:

  • Virtual Network
  • Storage Account
    • Private Endpoint
    • Private DNS Zone
    • Blob container with executables, scripts, etc. that are required for the imaging deployment

Disk Encryption Set Requirements

You must enable the feature for your subscription before you use the EncryptionAtHost property for your VM/VMSS. Use the following steps to enable the feature for your subscription.

Execute the following command to register the feature for your subscription

Register-AzProviderFeature -FeatureName "EncryptionAtHost" -ProviderNamespace "Microsoft.Compute"

Get-AzProviderFeature -FeatureName "EncryptionAtHost" -ProviderNamespace "Microsoft.Compute"

Creating Template Spec


New-AzTemplateSpec `
    -Name 'ZeroTrustImaging' `
    -ResourceGroupName rg-image-usgovvirginia-01 `
    -Version '1.0' `
    -Location usgovvirginia `
    -DisplayName "Zero Trust Image Template" `
    -TemplateFile '.\solution.json' `
    -UIFormDefinitionFile '.\uiDefinition.json'  `



Specifies the local administrator user name of the virtual machine that will be captured.

Type: String


Specifies the container name where files, and scripts will be uploaded and consumed during the image process.

Type: String


Specifies the existing Azure Image Gallery where the image will be created.

Type: String


Specifies the name of the image that will created.

Type: String


Specifies the name of the image offer of the image that will be created.

Type: String


Specifies the name of the image publisher of the image that will be created.

Type: String


Specifies the name of the image SKU of the image that will be created.

Type: String


Specifies the name of the image version of the image that will be created.

Type: String


Specifies if Access will be installed on the image created.

Type: Boolean


Specifies if Excel will be installed on the image created.

Type: Boolean


Specifies if FsLogix will be installed on the image created.

Type: Boolean


Specifies if OneDrive For Business will be installed on the image created.

Type: Boolean


Specifies if OneNote will be installed on the image created.

Type: Boolean


Specifies if PowerPoint will be installed on the image created.

Type: Boolean


Specifies if Publisher will be installed on the image created.

Type: Boolean


Specifies if Teams will be installed on the image created.

Type: Boolean


Specifies if Virtual Desktop Optimization Tool (VDOT) will be installed on the image created.

Type: Boolean


Specifies if Visio will be installed on the image created.

Type: Boolean


Specifies if Word will be installed on the image created.

Type: Boolean


Specifies a location for the resources of the solution to be deployed.

Type: String


Specifies the name of an existing managed identity to be used during deployment of the solution.

Type: String


Specifies the OS Version of the image to be captured.

Type: String


Specifies the name of the resource group to create resources.

Type: String


Specifies the security type of the image to be captured.

Type: String


Specifies the name of the storage account where assets will be downloaded from and used during the image process.

Type: String


Specifies the storage endpoint of the target storage account.

Type: String


Specifies the subnet of the virtual network to be used during the image process.

Type: String


Specifies the tenant type used in the target environment.

Type: String
AllowedValues: 'Commercial', 'DepartmentOfDefense','GovernmentCommunityCloud','GovernmentCommunityCloudHigh'


Specifies the object ID of the managed identity used during deployment.

Type: String


Specifies the virtual network name of the vNet used during the image process.

Type: String


Specifies the name of the virtual machine to be captuired.

Type: String


Specifies the size of the the virtual machine to be captuired.

Type: String

Adding Applications

  • Add additional applications by adding addtional blocks of installers in module image.bicep
  • Any blob called will have to be uploaded to the storage account and container that are defined in the parameter set
  • Using the enabled argument will allow the installer to be modular and flexible during image creation
var installers = [
        name: 'myapp1'
        blobName: 'software1.exe'
        arguments: '/S'
        enabled: true
        name: 'myapp2'
        blobName: 'software2.exe'
        arguments: '/S'
        enabled: false

View Run Command Status

The applications are installed using the Run Command extension on the Azure virtual machine. To the view and troubleshoot the status of a Run Command use the example below:

PS C:\git\ztaimage> $x = Get-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName rg-image -VMName vm-image -RunCommandName office -Expand InstanceView
PS C:\git\ztaimage> $x.InstanceView

ExecutionState   : Running
ExecutionMessage :
ExitCode         : 0
Output           :
Error            :
StartTime        : 8/2/2023 2:14:27 PM
EndTime          :
Statuses         :