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The mikolajgs/broccli package simplifies command line interface management. It allows you to define commands complete with arguments and flags, and attach handlers to them. The package handles all the parsing automatically.


Ensure you have your workspace directory created and run the following:

go get -u


Let's start with an example covering everything. First, let's create main CLI instance and commands:

func main() {
    myCLI := broccli.NewCLI("Example", "App", "Author <>")

    print := myCLI.AddCmd("print", "Prints out flags", func(c *CLI) int {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Printing on the screen:\n%s\n%s\n\n", c.Flag("text1"), c.Arg("text2"))
        return 2
    template := myCLI.AddCmd("template", "Process template", func(c *CLI) int {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Do something here")
        return 0
    start := myCLI.AddCmd("start", "Start the game", func(c *CLI) int {
        fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Do something here")
        return 0

Next, let's add flags, args and required environments variables to our commands:

    print.AddFlag("text1", "a", "Text", "Text to print", TypeString, IsRequired)
    print.AddFlag("text2", "b", "Alphanum with dots", "Can have dots", TypeAlphanumeric, AllowDots)
    // If '-r' is passed, the '--text2'/'-b' flag is required
    print.AddFlag("make-text2-required", "r", "", "Make alphanumdots required", TypeBool, 0, OnTrue(func(c *Cmd) {
        c.flags["text2"].flags = c.flags["text2"].flags | IsRequired

    template.AddFlag("template", "t", "filepath", "Path to template file", TypePathFile, IsExistent|IsRequired)
    template.AddFlag("file-output", "o", "filepath", "Output to a specific file instead of stdout", TypePathFile, 0)
    template.AddFlag("number", "n", "int", "Number necessary for initialisation", TypeInt, IsRequired)

    start.AddFlag("verbose", "v", "", "Verbose mode", TypeBool, 0)
    start.AddFlag("username", "u", "username", "Username", TypeAlphanumeric, AllowDots|AllowUnderscore|IsRequired)
    start.AddFlag("threshold", "", "1.5", "Threshold, default 1.5", TypeFloat, 0)
    start.AddArg("input", "FILE", "Path to a file", TypePathFile, IRequired)
    start.AddArg("difficulty", "DIFFICULTY", "Level of difficulty (1-5), default 3", TypeInt, 0)

One of the arguments to AddFlag, AddArg or AddEnvVar is type of the value. It can be one of the Type* consts, eg. TypeInt, TypeBool, TypeString, TypePathFile etc.

Just next to the type, there is an argument that can contain additional validation flags, such as:

  • IsRequired when flag/arg is required;
  • AllowMultipleValues if flag/arg can have have multiple values, eg. 1,2,3, separated by comma or another character (there are flags for that such as SeparatorSemiColon etc.);
  • IsExistent which will cause a flag/arg to be checked if it exists;
  • IsRegularFile, IsDirectory, IsValidJSON and so on...

Check flags.go for more information on flag types.

And in the end of main() func:



Library for creating CLI applications in golang







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