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Cesar Celis Hernandez edited this page Jan 30, 2024 · 1 revision
  • Create cluster
createcluster nodeport
  • install operator
installoperator nodeport
  • install tenant lite
installtenant nodeport
  • increase from 1 pool to 2 pools
Screenshot 2024-01-29 at 3 37 06 PM
  • Wait couple of minutes until is ready:
Screenshot 2024-01-29 at 3 44 25 PM
  • Get status:
mc alias set myminio https://localhost:30081 minio minio123 --insecure
mc admin decommission status myminio --insecure


$ mc admin decommission status myminio --insecure
│ ID  │ Pools                                                                                 │ Raw Drives Usage       │ Status │
│ 1st │ https://myminio-pool-0-{0...3}.myminio-hl.tenant-lite.svc.cluster.local/export{0...1} │ 16.2% (total: 332 GiB) │ Active │
│ 2nd │ https://myminio-pool-1-{0...3}.myminio-hl.tenant-lite.svc.cluster.local/export{0...1} │ 16.2% (total: 332 GiB) │ Active │
  • Start Decommission:
mc admin decommission start myminio/ https://myminio-pool-0-{0...3}.myminio-hl.tenant-lite.svc.cluster.local/export{0...1} --insecure


$ mc admin decommission start myminio/ https://myminio-pool-0-{0...3}.myminio-hl.tenant-lite.svc.cluster.local/export{0...1} --insecure
Decommission started successfully for `https://myminio-pool-0-{0...3}.myminio-hl.tenant-lite.svc.cluster.local/export{0...1}`.
  • Monitor until complete:
$ mc admin decommission status myminio/ --insecure
│ ID  │ Pools                                                                                 │ Raw Drives Usage       │ Status   │
│ 1st │ https://myminio-pool-0-{0...3}.myminio-hl.tenant-lite.svc.cluster.local/export{0...1} │ 16.2% (total: 332 GiB) │ Complete │
│ 2nd │ https://myminio-pool-1-{0...3}.myminio-hl.tenant-lite.svc.cluster.local/export{0...1} │ 16.2% (total: 332 GiB) │ Active   │
  • Remove decommissioned pool from tenant spec
k edit tenant storage-lite -n tenant-lite
Screenshot 2023-02-03 at 5 51 15 PM Screenshot 2023-02-03 at 5 51 28 PM
Cesars-MacBook-Pro:~ cniackz$ k edit tenant storage-lite -n tenant-lite edited
Screenshot 2023-02-03 at 5 51 46 PM
  • Operator log:
I0130 15:18:40.193678       1 event.go:298] Event(v1.ObjectReference{Kind:"Tenant", Namespace:"tenant-lite", Name:"myminio", UID:"58a44125-aff4-4b93-8b7f-95367bc4fceb", APIVersion:"", ResourceVersion:"2509", FieldPath:""}): type: 'Normal' reason: 'PoolRemoved' Tenant pool myminio-pool-0 removed
  • Status:
$ mc admin decommission status myminio --insecure
│ ID  │ Pools                                                                                 │ Raw Drives Usage       │ Status │
│ 2nd │ https://myminio-pool-1-{0...3}.myminio-hl.tenant-lite.svc.cluster.local/export{0...1} │ 14.9% (total: 332 GiB) │ Active │
  • Pods from pool 0 are gone, pods from pool 1 are present:
$ k get pods -n tenant-lite
myminio-pool-1-0   2/2     Running   0          9m40s
myminio-pool-1-1   2/2     Running   0          9m43s
myminio-pool-1-2   2/2     Running   0          9m46s
myminio-pool-1-3   2/2     Running   0          10m

Additional Notes:

  1. Decommission worked in 4.5.8
  2. Decommission worked in 5.0.11