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What is this ?

This project to create a High-Available kubernetes on-premise cluster with Infurastracture as Code (IaC) in your home.
Emphasis is placed on reproducibility, portability, and recoverability.


Inspired by nixos-ha-cluster, I began to build. NixOS enables declarative node management and HA k8s cluster building.
The differences between his project and this.

  • Response to Flakes
  • Light weight nodes by LXC/LXD
  • k8s environment with ingress-nginx, LoadBalancer and Rook/Ceph support
  • Building HA NFS clusters as persistent volumes
  • Support for building k8s on local and external physical machines
  • Additional utilities


  • I am beginner in server operation and networking.
  • Often make disruptive changes.

What product using ?

  • NixOS: As Hypervisor and Platform of k8s
  • Colmena: Deploy tool for NixOS
  • Terraform: Management of container and virtual machine for node of k8s
  • LXC/LXD: As Nodes for k8s cluster


Cluster Architecture (default)

  • You can change resource and count of node editing development.tfvars
Node etcd loadbalancer nfs
description etcd database proxies to the k8s API external volume
component etcd keepalibed, haproxy, logrotate nfs, pacemaker, brbd
count of node 3 2 2
resouce/node (RAM/CPU) 2GiB/2Core 2GiB/2Core 2GiB/2Core
Node controlplane worker
description controlplane for k8s worker for k8s
component kube-{apiserver,controller-manager,scheduler}
and component of worker
kubelet, kube-proxy, coredns, flannel
count of node 3 3
resouce/node (RAM/CPU) 2GiB/2Core 2GiB/2Core

Host Architecture (My physical machine)

  • Physical machine for local develop

    • Storage is built smaller, but nothing can be deployed on k8s
    Resources Nesessary
    CPU 4Core or more
    Memory 16GiB or more
    LXC default pool 56GiB or more

Usage (Local Development)

0. Prerequisites

Make sure you have the ssh public key in ~/.ssh.
If not, create one using ed25519 or rsa.

For NixOS

  • Enable lxc and lxd
  • Enable flakes
  • Enable nested virtualisation
  • lxd package of nixpkgs cannot be used by VM, so external package (lxd-nixos) must be used
  • (optional): Install direnv
  inputs.lxd-nixos.url = "git+";
{inputs, ...}:
  boot.kernelModules = ["kvm_intel nested=1" "kvm_amd nested=1"]; # Either intel or amd
  virtualisation = {
    lxc.enable = true;
    lxd = {
      enable = true;
      recommendedSysctlSettings = true;
      package = inputs.lxd-nixos.packages.x86_64-linux.lxd;
  nix.extraOptions = ''
    experimental-features = nix-command flakes

For Other Linux Distribusions

It has not been tested and is not supported except by NixOS, but I believe the following procedure can be used

  1. Install LXC and LXD
  2. Install nix from official site or your package manager
  3. Edit either ~/.config/nix/nix.conf or /etc/nix/nix.conf and add (details from Nix Flakes):
    experimental-features = nix-command flakes
  4. (optional): Install direnv

1. Setup environment

$ direnv allow          # If you use direnv
or $ nix develop --impure  # If you do not use direnv
$ lxd init              # 56GiB or more size for default pool
$ mkimg4lxc             # make container and VM image for lxc

2. Launch each nodes.

$ cd terraform/pools       # Setting pools
$ mkenv                    # Init terraform and make workspace
$ ter apply -w development # Apply terraform using `development.tfvars` (Current in `development` workspace)
$ cd terraform/network     # Setting network
$ mkenv
$ ter apply -w development
$ cd terraform/k8s         # Launch nodes for kubernetes
$ mkenv
$ ter apply -w development

3. Deploy k8s

# In project root
$ mkcerts                            # Generate TLS self-certificates for Kubernetes, etcd, and other daemons.
$ deploy apply -t k8s -w development
$ check_k8s                          # check_k8s

4. Destroy k8s

$ cd terraform/k8s
$ ter destroy -w development


nix run github:nix-community/nixos-anywhere -- -f ".#ctrl" --option pure-eval false --vm-test