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The repository hosts my dotfiles. Changes are only made to the $HOME directory of the user. The repo. is actually a castle in terms of the project andsens/homeshick. To actually deploy the castle, one first needs to clone and install the Homeshick project and then add the repo. as a castle. One also needs to install a few dependency packages like zsh, tmux, vim etc. After that one needs to run the one time install script present in the root directory of the castle. All of the above can be done manually, but to keep things simple, an automated deployment script is created. Refer the repo. mitthu/dotfile_deploy for the automated deployment script or just run the command given below:

curl -sL | /bin/bash -ex

About the Castle

The castle contains configuration file for some packages and some simple bash functions. Some other project repositories such as ohmyzsh are also present as a submodule. The contents of the castle include:

  • Config files: .zshrc, .tmux.conf, .vimrc, .vim/
  • My bash/zsh functions and scripts. (.merc and .me/)
  • My nautilus scripts.
  • Some local fonts for supporting tmux-powerline fonts.
  • Installation Scripts: and
  • Other Repos:
    • robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh
    • gnome-terminal-colors-solarized
    • vim-bundle/vim-colors-solarized

My Bash Functions/Aliases

The usage of my bash functions is documented below.

  • me-update
    • Updates the castle by updating from this repo..
  • me-update-repo
  • ip_all and ip_all_spaced
    • List all the interfaces and the corresponding IPs the instance is assigned.
  • ip_list and ip_list_spaced
    • Same as the all variant, except the lo (localhost) interface is ignored. The ip_list_spaced is used in the tmux status bar.
  • rput and rget (Remote file transfer)
    • These functions are used for remote file transfer using nc over port 2323.
    • rput: Listen on
    • rget: Fetch over port 2323
    • Usage:
      # Initiate first on the instance where the files are located.
      # Runs a listen service on port 2323, bound to all interfaces (
      rput <file/folders>
      # Then, on the instance where you want the files, run
      rget <IP>