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Sascha edited this page Feb 20, 2021 · 12 revisions
Request Short description Status
Save areas Implement opportunity to save the last used custom area values done
Compact mode Compact mode support done
Sound configuration get/setVolume (for true silent mode) done
Area specific values Implement opportunity to set different cleaning power and water level for areas
Deactivate/reactivate zones Implement deactivation/reactivation of virtual walls, no mopping zones (setting map elements)
Autom. reconnect Automatically reconnect if connection lost
Automated testing Extend and improve automated tests
Debugging send raw command, retrieve raw response
bot offline status detect if bot is offline and retrieve last known position image & timestamp
Command queue Implement a command queue, e.g. relocate, then clean spotArea A & B, then setCleanSpeed to max+, then clean customArea (x1,y1,x2,y2), then stop (because no charging station reachable)
additional commands carpetPressure, AdvancedMode, Block (do not disturb times), dusterRemind deferred
Sound configuration implement get/setVoice (language) deferred
Management for clean logs save more than the delivered last 20 logs, download map images to disk deferred
Live map Implement live map incl. the position of bot and charger deferred
Display schedules Prepare schedules (e.g. to display in VIS) deferred
Edit Schedules Implement opportunity to edit schedules deferred