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This script takes an export CSV from PayPal and produces a CSV that Kashoo can import as a Multicurrency Bank Statement.
* It replaces adjacent transaction currency double entries with a transfer between those currencies associated with the transaction.
* You then need to go through the transfers, using the Memo as a source of information for the transfers: the memo shows the exchange rate and the associated client

The code isn't elegant but it does work.

Please read the comments at the start of the file

sudo cpan Tie::Handle::CSV


1. Export the CSV: In PayPal "Reports > Download History > Custom Date Range (For the period in question)"
1b. File Types for Download: "Comma Delimited - All Activity"
2. Adjust paypal2kashoo.config - it says which transactions should be included in the output
3. yourcsvfile.csv
4. open yourcsvfile.csv-output*.csv in Excel
5. Export the csv file as CSV (Otherwise Kashoo will complain unsupported binary format)
6. Import this new CSV as Bank Statement
7. Look at the *fee account generated - you will have to adjust your Kashoo entries to express the fees as a separate transaction.
8. Go through the transfer transactions (e.g. CAD to USD) - you need to read each transfer and apply the change of currency.

Setting up the Kashoo List
a. New List
b. Account = PayPal
c. Net = Amount
d. Ignore any text columns except Description (this script gathers these for you)


The import script is no substitute for accounting expertise.

PayPal incoming transactions should be lodged as Payments on existing invoices. 
It looks like they actually get brought in as new Income items, instant (where the payment account shows Paid). 
This means you need to revisit the income items and restate them as payments.


Import PayPal transaction history into Kashoo






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