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💻 Curated List of Algorithmic Problems

Curated list of some Algorithmic problems which I deem important to have in mind. Graphviz is utilized as the visualization tool to represent some graph and tree algorithms.

📦 Dependencies

make deps

🧑‍💻 Problems

Several techniques/approaches could be utilized in order to find the angle of attack to a problem. Below are the tags related to the relevant techniques, approaches, data structures, etc. to ease the process of mental researching before defining the angle of an attack to a problem.

🏷️ Tags


  • 📃 Array
  • 👉 BFS
  • 🔍 Binary Search Tree
  • 🔟 Bit Manipulation
  • 🕳️ DFS
  • 📝 Dynamic Programming
  • 📈 Graph
  • 🔣 HashTable
  • 🌲 Heap
  • 🔗 Linked List
  • Math
  • 🔢 Matrix
  • 🔁 Recursion
  • 🖇️ Sorting
  • .📚 Stack and Queue
  • 🔤 String
  • 🌴 Tree
  • 🌿 Trie
  • 2️⃣ Two Pointers


  • 🥉 Easy
  • 🥈 Medium
  • 🥇 Hard
  • 🏅 Very Hard

❓ List of Problems with Tag Representations

  • Absolute distinct count 📃 | 🥉
  • Array rank transform 📃 🔣
  • Binary Gap 📃
  • Check if array is circular 📃
  • Closest 3 Sum 📃
  • Container with most water 📃
  • Contains duplicate II 📃
  • Cyclic rotation 📃
  • Equi leader 📃
  • Find minimum in rotated sorted array 📃
  • Find minimum average slice 📃
  • Find pivot index 📃
  • Find unpaired element in array 📃
  • Flatten array 📃
  • Frequency sort 📃
  • Genomic range query 📃
  • Group by given group size 📃
  • H-index 📃
  • K-Closest distance origin 📃
  • Longest consecutive sequence 📃
  • Majority element 📃
  • Max counter 📝
  • Max product sub-array 📝
  • Max sum sub-array 📝
  • Median of two sorted array 📝
  • Non-decreasing by removing one 📝
  • Number of disc intersections 📝
  • Partition array into parts with equal sum 📝
  • Passing cars 📝
  • Permutation check 📝
  • Permutation missing element 📈
  • Permutations 📈
  • Remove duplicates from sorted array II 📈
  • Replace elements with greatest element on right side 📈
  • Rotate array 📈
  • Search in rotated sorted array 📈
  • Shortest unsorted continuous array 🌲
  • Insert interval
  • Merge intervals
  • Count & Length 🔗
  • Front and back split 🔗
  • Insert at nth index 🔗
  • Intersection of 2 linked lists 🔗
  • Linked list cycle 🔗
  • Merge K sorted lists 🔗
  • Merge 2 sorted lists 🔗
  • Odd even linked lists 🔗
  • Rearrange odd even nodes 🔗
  • Remove nth node from the end 🔗
  • Reorder linked list 🔗
  • Reverse linked list 🔗
  • Fibonacci 📝 🔁
  • Rotate Image 🔢
  • Set matix zeros 🔢
  • Spiral matrix 🔢
  • Word search 🔢
  • Binary search 🔍
  • Bubble Sort 🖇️
  • Heap Sort 🖇️
  • Merge Sort 🖇️
  • Quick Sort 🖇️
  • Insertion Sort 🖇️
  • Selection Sort 🖇️
  • Bracket Sequence 📚
  • First non repeating character 🔤
  • Get all the permutations in a string 🔤
  • Group anagrams 🔤
  • Kth non repeating character 🔤
  • Is my friend cheating 🔤
  • Longest palindrome 🔤
  • Longest sub-string without repeating characters 🔤
  • Valid palindrome 🔤
  • Check if tree is balanced 🌴
  • Check if tree is complete 🌴
  • Find largest value in each row 🌴
  • Flatten tree to linked list 🌴
  • From In-Order to Level Order 🌴
  • Is same tree 🌴
  • Kth smallest element in BST 🌴
  • Find the lowest common ancestor 🌴
  • Max depth of tree 🌴
  • Max path sum 🌴
  • Check if tree is balanced 🌴
  • Validate binary search tree 🌴
  • BST DLL Representation 🔍
  • Build BST from Array 🔍
  • Build BST from pre-order Array 🔍
  • Insert key in BST 🔍
  • Search key in BST 🔍
  • Build a graph structure 📈
  • Traverse BFS 📈
  • Traverse DFS recursive 📈
  • Traverse DFS stack 📈
  • Build a hash table 🔣
  • Build Max Heap structure 🌲
  • Build Min Heap structure 🌲
  • Build a priority queue structure 🌲
  • Build a linked-list structure 🔗
  • Traverse Tree BFS recursive 🌴
  • Traverse Tree BFS queue 🌴
  • Traverse Tree BFS stack 🌴
  • Traverse Tree DFS In-order 🌴
  • Traverse Tree DFS Pre-order 🌴
  • Traverse Tree DFS Post-order 🌴
  • Build Tree from In-Order and Post-Order Array 🌴
  • Build Tree from In-Order and Pre-Order Array 🌴
  • Build Tree from Level Order array 🌴
  • Build Tree from Post-Order array 🌴
  • Build Tree from Pre-Order array 🌴


Graphviz Visualized Data Structure and Algorithms Exercises







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