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Releases: nawawi/docket-cache


21 Jul 14:42
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Release 24.07.01

  • Fixed: View::tooltip() -> Typos "dan".
  • Fixed: Filesystem::sanitize_maxsizedisk() -> Returns default if empty.
  • Added: DOCKET_CACHE_OPCVIEWER_SHOWALL constant to enable/disable listing all opcache file.
  • Added: DOCKET_CACHE_PATH_NETWORK_(n) constant, to change default cache path for multinetwork. (n) for network Id.


13 Nov 01:17
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Release 23.08.02

  • Fixed: Tweaks::post_missed_schedule() -> Prevent post publish immediately.
  • Fixed: WP_Object_Cache() -> Add setters and getters for backwards compatibility.
  • Added: TWEAKS_SINGLESEARCHREDIRECT_DISABLED constant to disable redirection of single search results to the page.
  • Updated: Tested up to 6.4.


19 Aug 13:25
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Release 23.08.01

  • Fixed: LimitBulkedit::bulk_editing_is_limited() -> Deprecated Constant FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING.
  • Fixed: restrict_api error notice.
  • Fixed: Outdated php warning is triggered when Disable Serve Happy Checking is enabled.
  • Updated: Tested up to 6.3.


18 Mar 16:12
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Release 22.07.05

  • Fixed: Plugin::register_plugin_hooks() -> Undefined property: stdClass::$slug.
  • Fixed: Event::garbage_collector() -> Stale cache, invalid filter for comment_feed.
  • Fixed: Event::garbage_collector() -> Stale cache, add filter for adjacent_post, wp_get_archives and get_comment_child_ids.
  • Fixed: Tweaks::wplazyload() -> Add filter for wp_get_attachment_image_attributes.
  • Fixed: WP_Object_Cache::dc_save() -> Returns false if data type is "unknown type".
  • Added: Filesystem::is_wp_cache_group_queries() -> Match group for *-queries.
  • Added: WP_Object_Cache::maybe_expire() -> Match group for *-queries.

Thanks to Ronny from for bug report.


01 Mar 15:29
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Release 22.07.04

  • Fixed: Advanced Post Cache -> Only visible to wp < 6.1.1 as it is already implemented in wp core (WP_Query caching).
  • Fixed: Filesystem::shutdown_cleanup() -> Avoid cleanup on shutdown if a file is empty.
  • Fixed: Plugin::register_plugin_hooks() -> Do not load the CronAgent class if cronbot is disabled.
  • Fixed: TermCount() -> Invalid usage of clean_term_cache.
  • Fixed: WP_Object_Cache::$cache_hits, WP_Object_Cache::$cache_misses -> Retain same as non persistent.
  • Fixed: Prevent performance-lab from overwriting the object cache drop-in.
  • Fixed: Becache::export_alloptions() -> Only export option with autoload 'yes' and not transient.
  • Fixed: Becache::store_cache() -> Miss match array_serialize.
  • Added: WP_Object_Cache::$persistent_cache_hits -> Stats hits from cache file.
  • Added: Tweaks::wpquery() -> wp_allow_query_attachment_by_filename for wp > 6.0.1.
  • Added: Configuration -> Cache Options, Retain Transients in Db.
  • Added: Configuration -> Optimisations, Limit Bulk Edit Actions.
  • Added: Configuration -> Wp Tweaks, Deactivate Post Via Email.
  • Added: DOCKET_CACHE_TRANSIENTDB constant to enable retaining Transients in the database.
  • Added: DOCKET_CACHE_IGNORED_TRANSIENTDB constant. A list of cache keys that remain in the object cache instead of the db.
  • Added: DOCKET_CACHE_POSTVIAEMAIL constant to enable deactivation Post Via Email.
  • Added: DOCKET_CACHE_LIMITBULKEDIT constant to enable Limit Bulk Edit Actions.
  • Added: DOCKET_CACHE_LIMITBULKEDIT_LIMIT constant to change bulk edit limit. By default it is set as 100..
  • Changed: Advanced Post Cache, some part of the code has been moved to Tweaks::wpquery().
  • Removed: WP_Object_Cache::is_data_uptodate() -> No longer needed.
  • Updated: Symfony component -> symfony/var-exporter v5.4.21.


07 Feb 13:50
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Release 22.07.03

  • Fixed: Tweaks::woocommerce_misc() -> Check if action_scheduler_migration_status is complete to prevent the list on the Scheduled Actions page from disappearing.
  • Fixed: Tweaks::woocommerce_widget_remove() -> The classic widget is not disabled.
  • Fixed: Plugin::get_precache_maxfile() -> Invalid constant, replace maxfile with precache_maxfile.
  • Fixed: Filesystem::sanitize_precache_maxfile() -> Set the limit to 100 by default.
  • Fixed: Becache::export() -> Invalid expiration time. Already in timestamp format not in seconds.
  • Fixed: WP_Object_Cache::dc_save() -> Serialize twice when checking object size.
  • Fixed: Configuration -> A notice is not shown when the constant is already defined.
  • Added: Configuration -> Storage Options, Check file limits in real-time and Exclude Empty Object Data.
  • Added: Configuration -> Runtime Options, Deactivate Concatenate WP-Admin Scripts and Deactivate WP Cron.
  • Added: WP-CLI command -> run:optimizedb.
  • Added: DOCKET_CACHE_MAXFILE_LIVECHECK constant to enable checking file limits in real-time.
  • Added: DOCKET_CACHE_PRECACHE_MAXKEY, DOCKET_CACHE_PRECACHE_MAXGROUP constant to limit cache keys and groups.
  • Added: DOCKET_CACHE_STALECACHE_IGNORE constant to enable excluding stale cache from being stored on disk.
  • Added: DOCKET_CACHE_EMPTYCACHE constant to enable excluding empty caches from being stored on disk.
  • Added: DOCKET_CACHE_AUTOUPDATE_TOGGLE constant, only to sync with WordPress auto_update_plugins option.
  • Added: DOCKET_CACHE_GCRON_DISABLED constant to disable garbage collector cron event.
  • Added: Filesystem::suspend_cache_write() -> Temporarily suspends new cache from being stored on disk.
  • Changed: DOCKET_CACHE_AUTOUPDATE constant can only be defined manually to force an automatic update.
  • Improved: Increase timeout limit if lower than 180 seconds.
  • Improved: Constans::maybe_define() -> Keep track of constants that have been defined in the $GLOBAL['DOCKET_CACHE_RUNTIME'] list.
  • Improved: WP_Object_Cache::maybe_expire() -> Set expiration to 1 day for key/group matches with the stale cache.
  • Improved: Event::garbage_collector() -> Improve wc_cache filtering and other possible stale caches.
  • Improved: WP_Object_Cache::dc_code() -> Use native var_export for data type objects and arrays if only have stdClass.
  • Removed: Event::watchproc() -> No longer needed.
  • Updated: DOCKET_CACHE_ADVCPOST_POSTTYPE -> Set the built-in Post Type as the default.
  • Updated: Filesystem::get_max_execution_time() -> Accept value to set time limit.

Thanks to Kevin Shenk of Avunu LLC for providing access to the staging server for testing purposes.


10 Dec 14:19
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Release 22.07.02

  • Fixed: Tweaks::cache_http_response() -> Default TTL.
  • Fixed: Tweaks::wpservehappy() -> missing array key.
  • Added: wp_cache_supports() function.
  • Changed: Tweaks::cache_http_response() -> Use transient instead of wp_cache.
  • Changed: Disable Auto update by default.
  • Changed: Disable Advanced Post Cache by default.
  • Tested up to 6.1.


15 Jul 15:27
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Release 22.07.01

  • Fixed: Plugin:cleanuppost() -> Invalid index for trashbin.
  • Fixed: MoCache() -> Add $entries, $headers properties to avoid warning on get_translations_for_domain.
  • Updated: Symfony component -> symfony/var-exporter.


30 May 14:45
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Release 21.08.11

  • Fixed: Avoid calling Filesystem::close_buffer() if a process involved accessing a disk.
  • Fixed: Removed handling stale cache on shutdown.
  • Added: Garbage Collector Status -> Cleanup Stale Cache.
  • Improved: Collected stale cache will be handled by Garbage Collector.


19 May 20:04
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Release 21.08.10

  • Changed: Disable "CHUNKCACHEDIR" by default. Let's users choose it depending on their hosting environment.

Release 21.08.09

  • Fixed: WP_Object_Cache::maybe_expire() -> missing preg_match parameter.

Thanks to @carmpocalypse for bug report.