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Nettica control plane for WireGuard

A WireGuard control plane


  • Golang 1.21.3+
  • Docker (optional)
  • Windows SDK (optional - for code signing - signtool.exe)


go get
env CGO_ENABLED=0 go build

Build for Debian Linux distributions

./ 1.0.0 armhf
./ 1.0.0 arm64
./ 1.0.0 amd64

Usage Linux

systemctl enable nettica
systemctl start nettica
systemctl stop nettica

Build for Windows

There is no stand-alone installer for Windows. The binary is installed with the Nettica Agent for Windows. Production usage requires the code to the signed.

build.cmd 1.0.0

Usage for Windows

nettica-client.exe install
nettica-client.exe start
nettica-client.exe stop
nettica-client.exe remove

net start nettica
net stop nettica

Build for Fedora (RPM) Linux distributions

./ 1.0.0 amd64
cd rpmbuild/SPECS
nano nettica.spec

# Update the version and platform as necessary

rpmbuild -bb nettica.spec

Build Docker image

Nettica uses an Alpine base and is about 40MB

sudo docker build . --no-cache
sudo docker images
sudo docker tag xxx nettica-client:latest


  • Building for Linux requires additional packages be installed to build debian or RPM packages. Installing them are self-explanatory from the errors.
  • Building for Linux can cross-compile for 32-bit ARM (armhf/arm7l), 64-bit ARM (arm64), and Intel/AMD X86-64 (amd64)
  • Packaging for ARM64 RPM requires an aarch64 host

Need Help

mailto:[email protected]


  • Released under MIT License

WireGuard® is a registered trademark of Jason A. Donenfeld.