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mullvadVPN Docker container

Image of Docker Image of Mullvad

Mullvad VPN container for docker. Example on how to setup Transmission with container at the bottom of the page.


  • Docker installed (I'm using 19.03.8 Desktop on macOS)
  • Mullvad account (can be done with other providers, I completed with Mullvad)

Assuming environment is setup and you know drive mount locations.

Step 1: Getting Mullvad configuration .zip file

  1. Login to account on
  2. Visit: OpenVPN configuration file generator on their website
  3. Select your favorite country and city within that country!
  4. Under advanced settings: toggle UDP 53
  5. Download zip archive, unarchive it into a regular folder, and place within a directory accessable by your Docker containers
  6. Return to My account and click Port forwarding
  7. Choose a city from the country you want to route through from the Select a city dropdown
  8. Set the Select a device dropdown to No device (only OpenVPN) and click the Add port green button
  9. Make a note of the full new value shown under ACTIVE PORTS - e.g. nl-ams-59103 (country-city-port)

Step 2: Setup docker-compose file

version: "3"
    image:       # Image on Docker. Shoutout to
    container_name: openvpn-client
        - NET_ADMIN                         # Needs to be here
        - KILL_SWITCH=on                         # Turns off internet access if the VPN connection drops
        - FORWARDED_PORTS=nl-ams-59103           # Enter the full value you noted at step 9 above
        - SUBNETS=,  # Allows for the service to be accessed through LAN
        - /dev/net/tun                      
        - /Volumes/Luigi/docker/mullvadVPN/config/mullvad_config_linux_ch_zrh:/data/vpn   
        # File unzipped before from Mullvad, it's location. Make sure to keep the ":/data/vpn" part at the end
        - 5665:5665                         # Opening port for to access hypothetical Transmission container that would be routing through this VPN
        - 1500:1500                         # Opening port for other application routing through VPN
    restart: unless-stopped

Step 3: Confirming VPN connection is active within container

  1. cd into folder where the docker-compose.yml for this container is stored
  2. Awaken the beast with docker-compose up
  3. Let's get jiggy wit that sparkly new container:
    1. In a new terminal window, find docker container ID docker ps
    2. Type docker exec -it <container ID from above> /bin/sh
    3. Now that you're into the shell of your VPN container we're going to check it's public IP
    4. wget -qO- | xargs echo will return your container's public IP
    5. Lookup this IP's information to see if it's the same country/city you setup in your docker compose file. I'll let you find a site

Now go browse the internet from 🇨🇭Switzerland or something

Bonus section: Route other container's connection through this VPN

So you want to allow other containers to use this connection? Ok fine...

Add network_mode: container:openvpn-client to the container's compose file

Add ports: to the VPN's compose file

Hypothetical Transmission example

  1. Add network_mode: container:openvpn-client to docker compose file
  2. Make sure to add ports to VPN docker compose file, like in my example above
    1. These ports will be the ports required by the application running in the container you're routing through the VPN. Ex: 5665 would be to access the Transmission Web UI in this situation

version: "2.1"
    image: linuxserver/transmission
    container_name: transmission
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=America/Denver
      - <Config location>:/config
      - <Download location>:/downloads
      - <Watch location>:/watch
    network_mode: container:openvpn-client      # The addition to add to all containers that you want to route through VPN container
    restart: unless-stopped