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Hùng Nguyễn edited this page Nov 4, 2018 · 1 revision

Description of arguments

Argument Type Description
Fix arguments
--author_name str author name
--directory_path, -dp str path to PRL2018_WIN
--dataset_name, -dn str dataset name
--img_size, -im int image size
--image_type, -it str image type includes BIN, RGB
--selection_mode, -sm str selection mode such as SAME or DIFF
Configuring arguments
--num_writers, -nw int number of writers
--num_training_patterns, -ntp int number of training patterns per writer
--local_feature, -lf str type of local feature type: subimg
--agg_mode, -am str different aggregation modes: average, max, kmax
--kmax, -k int value of k in kmax aggregation mode
--n_tuple, -nt int tuple size
--train_num_permutations, -trnp int number of permutations per epoch during training
--valid_num_permutations, -vanp int number of permutations per epoch during validating
--test_num_permutations, -tenp int number of permutations per epoch during testing
--eval_num_permutations', -evnp int number of permutations per epoch during evaluating
Training arguments
--lr, -l float learning rate
--max_epochs, -me int maximum number of epochs for training
--max_no_best, -mnb int early stop if accuracy does not increase during <max_no_best> epochs
--writer_per_batch, -wpb int number of writer per minibatch
--gpu, -g int gpu_id is used
--gpu_mem_ratio, -gmr float memory ratio of gpu from 0.0 to 1.0
Evaluation/Training arguments
--training, -t bool if evaluate model using False, else using default (True) for training
--resume, -r str if resume training process, pass the model filename
--global_step_start, -gss int if resume training process, pass the model global_step to continue training
--model_name, -mn str if evaluate model, pass the model filename.
--global_step_eval, -gse int if evaluate model, pass the model global_step to evaluate
--use_valid_data, -uvd bool use valid data or not while training model
--use_test_data, -utd bool use test data or not while training model
--eval_test_data, -etd bool use test data or not while evaluating model
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