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Tools that helps me to track my expences

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NV's budget

Yet another budget tracking tool. Successor of flow. The main features are:

  • Import data from any CSV list of operations provided by your banks. budget provides uniform way of storing this data
  • Find and mark transfers between your accounts to exclude them from "incomes" and "withdraws", if that was a transfer from your account to another your account
  • Tag operations in a way you need with powerful tagging criteria
  • Build calendar-like aggregation of your operations to track your expences month-to-mont

How to use it?


Budget still needs a PostgreSQL database to store the data. You can use docker-compose.yml from src/Hosts folder to spin up new database but please make sure you changed password! You'll also need a .NET 8 runtime for your OS.

Optionally, you'll need a Rider IDE if you would like to build it on your own (publish script is currently rider-specific). Any other IDE for .NET will work, but you'll need to figure out how to publish on your own.


At some point I'll start publishing releases to github, but for now you'll need to clone repository and build ./src/Hosts/NVs.Budget.Hosts.Console project - it's an application entry point. Once compiled, you need to update application settings (define a connection string to database at least) and then you should be ready to explore budget features.


Application uses .NET Configuration with JSON files, YAML files, command line and environment variables providers. Configuration is quite bulky, so I recommend the following way:

  1. Define environment variable BUDGET_CONFIGURATION_PATH with the path to the folder where you will store all configuration specific to your installation. That should be:
    • Connection strings
    • Input file parsing configuration
    • Transfer detection criteria
    • Tagging rules
  2. Create one or more JSON files with the configs. Define the connection string first. The sample below contains default connection string that matches instance created by docker-compose.yml (any you obviously must change credentials for your installation!):
"ConnectionStrings": {
    "BudgetContext": "User ID=postgres;Password=postgres;Host=localhost;Port=20000;Database=budgetdb;" 
  1. Refer to the docs below how to configure remaining important options

Configuration: Input files parsing

budget allows to store following information for every operation:

  • Timestamp when its happened
  • Amount of this operation (like '$10')
  • Description
  • Attributes - list of key-value pairs for anything else you want to track (MCC codes, original categories from your bank, geotags and so on...)
  • Tags - list of tags that you can assign by retagging stored transaction (see below)
  • Account information, which consist of
    • account Name
    • Bank name

Different banks provides this info in a different way, that's why budget needs an explicit configuration that tells how to threat each input file you're providing. To configure that, you'll need to provide CsvReadingOptions. Let's review the sample below:

"CsvReadingOptions": {
    "validFile.csv": {
      "Timestamp": "{0}",
      "Amount": "{7}",
      "CurrencyCode": "{8}",
      "Account.Name": "{2} ({12})",
      "Account.Bank": "The Bank",
      "Attributes": {
        "MCC": "{11}",
        "Category": "{10}"
      "ValidationRules": {
        "not a header": { "FieldConfiguration": "{0}", "Condition": "NotEquals", "Value": "Date" }
    "my_bank.operations.*.csv" : {

CsvReadingOptions contains a list of pattern-configurations pairs. Application tests the filename agains all the patterns provided until the first success. For each pattern we need to provide the full set of fields(Timestamp, Amount, CurrencyCode etc).

The {0} is a substitution, that tells which cell index (zero-based) should be used to read this value. You can combine several cells into single value or even provide hardcoded value.

The Attributes field define which attributes will be populated and what would be the value. It can be empty if you don't need anything.

ValidationRules define which row to parse. You can exclude header row, or "Failed/Cancelled" operations. Application will get the value specified by FieldConfiguration and test it agains Condition and Value. In example above it will process the row only if the first cell contains value, which is not equal to the word Date.

Configuration: Transfers detection

One of goals of budget is to give you an answer to the question "how much money did I actually spend?". To do so, it detect cross-account transfers so you can exclude them from calculations.

List of trasfer criteria looks similar to input file parsing options - it consists of list of name - configuration pairs. Each configuration consist of two fields: Accuracy tells how likely given pair of operations is a transfer, and Criterion provides the rule itself.

The rules are highly-configurable. They use Dynamic LINQ under the hood, so it's better to think that each criterion is an C# boolean statement that can use variables l and r for the pair of operation beign tested.

The example below demonstate a rule bundled with this app:

"Transfers": {
    "Instant transfer": {
      "Accuracy": "Exact", "Criterion": "l.Amount.IsNegative() && r.Amount.IsPositive() && l.Amount.Abs() == r.Amount.Abs() && l.Description == r.Description && l.Account != r.Account && (l.Timestamp - r.Timestamp).Duration() < TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)"

The rule "Instant transfer" ensures that:

  • the left operation (l) is a withdraw (l.Amount.IsNegative()),
  • right one (r) is an income (r.Amount.IsPositive()),
  • amounts, excepting the sign, are equal (l.Amount.Abs() == r.Amount.Abs())
  • descriptions are the same (l.Description == r.Description),
  • accounts are different (l.Account != r.Account)
  • and operations happened within 2 minutes ((l.Timestamp - r.Timestamp).Duration() < TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)).

When creating your own rules, you can use all properties from TrackedOperation class for both left and right optations.

Configuration: Tagging rules

Last, but not least - you can provide tagging rules. Collection of rules consist of tag name - criterion pairs, where criterion is a Dynamic LINQ expression similar to transfers criterion. The only difference that it accepts only one variable o for the operations beign tagged.

Example bundled with an app will tag all incomes:

o.Amount.Amount > 0

First steps (console app)

Updating the database

Run bugdet admin migrate-db command - it will apply all migrations to the database and you would be good to go! Running this command after updating budget to a new version is important, don't forget to do it!

Creating an owner

budget distinguishes users from owners . Owner is someone who owns one or more Accounts and can manage operations, rename or even delete an account, while the user is just someone who runs the commands in command line.

That's why you need to create an association between your user (identified as an OS user) and owner record.

Run budget owners self-register to create such association. After that, you will be able to perform import.

Running import

After you wrote the congiration, applied database migration and created an owner record you're ready to import operation from as many accounts as you have! Place all CSV files with operations you want to import to a single folder, and run budget ops import -d %PATH_TO_THE_FOLDER%. Application will iterate through the files, find appropriate configuration for each of them, creates new accounts (only if you provide --register-accs flag), detect the transfers and save transfers with confidence level greater or equal to Exact (you can lower this threshold by providing --transfers-confidence parameter. Valid options are Exact, Likely).


Tools that helps me to track my expences






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