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11LTS Crowdfunding Campaign

Oliver Klee edited this page Mar 31, 2023 · 15 revisions

Crowdfunding campaign for TYPO3 11LTS compatibility

This extension will be compatible with TYPO3 11LTS. However, this requires quite a lot of work. This crowdfunding campaign will collect the funds for this work.

The goals are to

  • have clean 11LTS compatibility
  • to reduce dependencies on 3rd-party extensions like mkforms, rn_base and sr_feuser_register (which have been a problem in the past)

TL;DR Overview

11 LTS Compatibility status

Extension 11LTS-compatible release 11LTS testing branch
oelib ✔️ V5.0.0 (not needed anymore)
feuserextrafields ✔️ V5.1.0 (not needed anymore)
onetimeaccount ✔️ V6.1.0 (not needed anymore)
seminars ✔️ V6.1.0 (not needed anymore)

Feature Rewrite Status

Feature rewrite Status
FE editor ✔️ (done)
registration form ✔️ (done)
BE module ✔️ (done)
CSV export 🚀 (in progress)
email code (to do)

❓ How does this work?

To contribute to the campaign, please send an email with the net sum you would like to pledge (at least 100€), your billing address, your company name and URL (for the list of pledges) to typo3-coding AT oliverklee DOT de.

As a campaign backer, you will get a backlink from the seminars manual, regular update emails and beta versions to test and use.

I will start work on each top-level milestone (and send the invoices for that milestone) once the corresponding milestone is finished. (And as long as a milestone is not completely financed, you will not receive an invoice for your pledge that covers the corresponding milestone.)

You can always increase you pledge, but you cannot reduce or cancel it. After milestone 1 is financed, you can also pledge for a certain milestone. I'd prefer to do the milestones in order, though. Also, pledging for a certain milestone will spread out the pledges, hence reducing the probability of more milestones getting full funding.

All prices listed in the milestones are net prices.


✔️ Milestone 1: Make the ecosystem extensions 11LTS-compatible

Status: ✔️ done

Total required financing: 1100€

Financed: 100%

  • 200€ phpunit
  • 800€ oelib
  • 100€ feuserextrafields

✔️ Milestone 2: Make the onetimeaccount extension 11LTS-compatible

Status: ✔️ done

Total required financing: 100€

Financed: 100%

✔️ Milestone 3: Rewrite the seminars FE editor in Extbase/Fluid

Status: ✔️ done

Total required financing: 2750€

Financed: 100%

This is part 1 of dropping the dependency on the mkforms extension from the seminars extension.

  • 750€ create the required Extbase models and repositories
  • 2000€ rewrite the form using Extbase/Fluid
  • create a Bootstrap-compatible HTML template

✔️ Milestone 4: Rewrite the seminars registration form in Extbase/Fluid

Total required financing: 3350€

Financed: 100%

This is part 2 of dropping the dependency on the mkforms extension from the seminars extension.

Status: ✔️ done

  • 750€ create the required Extbase models and repositories
  • 2600€ rewrite the form using Extbase/Fluid
  • create a Bootstrap-compatible HTML template

✔️ Milestone 5: Rewrite the BE module in Extbase/Fluid

Status: ✔️ done

Total required financing: 800€

Financed: 100%

✔️ Milestone 6: Update old things from seminars

Status: ✔️ done

Total required financing: 650€

Financed: 100%

  • 600€: upgrade the outdated link generation and configuration access
  • 50€: use feuserextrafields for additional FE user fields

✔️ Milestone 7: Drop/update old things from seminars

Status: ✔️ done

Total required financing: 1000€

Financed: 100%

  • 300€: drop 9LTS compatibility
  • 700€: fix PHPUnit deprecations, and upgrade PHPUnit

✔️ Milestone 8: Make seminars 11LTS-compatible

Status: ✔️ done

Total required financing: 1200€

Financed: 100%

🚀 Milestone 9: Rewrite the CSV export with Extbase/Fluid

Status: 🚀 in progress

Total required financing: 1600€

Financed: 100%

🌕 Milestone 10: Rewrite the email code with Extbase/Fluid

Total required financing: 1600€

Financed: 100%

🌑 Milestone 11: Rewrite the Scheduler tasks as Symfony Console commands

This milestone has been moved to the next crowdfunding campaign.

❤️ Campaign backers

To contribute to the campaign, please send an email with the net sum you would like to pledge (at least 100€), your billing address, your company name and URL (for the list of pledges) to typo3-coding AT oliverklee DOT de.