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License Manager Agent Charm


Follow the steps below to get started.

Build the charm

Running the following command will produce a .charm file, license-manager-agent.charm:

$ make charm


The linter can be invoked with:

$ make lint

This requires flake8 and flake8-docstrings. Make sure to have them available, either in a virtual environment or via a native package.

Create the license-manager-agent charm config

Create a text file license-manager-agent.yaml with this content:

  backend-base-url: "http://<url-pointing-to-the-license-manager-backend>"
  stat-interval: 60
  lmutil-path: "<path-to-lmutil>"
  rlmutil-path: "<path-to-rlmutil>"
  lsdyna-path: "<path-to-lstc_qrun>"
  lmxendutil-path: "<path-to-lmxendutil>"
  olixtool-path: "<path-to-olixtool>"
  oidc-domain: "<domain-collected-from-oidc>"
  oidc-client-id: "<client-id-for-oidc-app>"
  oidc-client-secret: "<client-secret-for-oidc-app>"
  log-level: "DEBUG"
  deploy-env: "LOCAL" # can be STAGING or PROD as well

Deploy the charm

Using the built charm and the defined config, run the following command to deploy the charm:

$ juju deploy ./license-manager-agent.charm \
              --config ./license-manager-agent.yaml \
              --series centos7
$ juju relate license-manager-agent:juju-info slurmctld
$ juju relate license-manager-agent:prolog-epilog slurmctld

Release the charm

To make a new release of the License Manager Agent Charm:

  1. Update the CHANGELOG file, moving the changes under the Unreleased section to the new version section. Always keep an Unreleased section at the top.
  2. Create a new commit with the title Release x.y.z
  3. Create a new annotated Git tag, adding a summary of the changes in the tag message:
$ git tag --annotate --sign x.y.z
  1. Push the new tag to GitHub:
$ git push --tags

Change configuration

To modify the charm configuration after it was deployed, use the juju config command. For example:

juju config license-manager-agent backend-base-url=somenewvalue

If you wish to prevent Prolog/Epilog scripts from triggering a forced reconciliation, run:

juju config license manager-agent use-reconcile-in-prolog-epilog=false

Running the juju config command will tell the charm to reconfigure and restart license-manager-agent.