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jrgriffiniii edited this page Jan 28, 2013 · 7 revisions


AuthorProfile was a service first developed by Thomas Krichel (of the Open Library Society) prior to the autumn of 2010. Following this period, James Griffin (then a graduate student of [Long Island University] ( join as a collaborator within the project.

Development History

The service itself had undergone two cycles of architectural change, and at the moment, is at a stage of temporary (albeit, prolonged) hiatus. This will not remain the case, as James ultimately seeks to revive the project, and begin once again to contribute to the OLS (Open Library Society).

ORCID and AuthorProfile

The AuthorProfile service (in a more nascent stage of development) garnered some attention at the May 2011 ORCID Participant Meeting. It has also been mentioned, within the context of other OLS services, at "The Value of Unique Scholarly Identifiers to Academics, Institutions and Countries" scholarly conference in Vilnius, Lithuania.


The OLS is seeking active collaboration from any and all interested parties. Typically, individuals with a background in the humanities, the social sciences (particularly, economics), archival science, and library/information science have found themselves to be the most actively involved in the Open Library Society's endeavors.

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