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MRI Brain Tumor Patch-Based Classification

Final project for the Technion's EE Deep Learning course (046211)

Or Ronai: LinkedIn, GitHub
Nitzan Alt: LinkedIn, GitHub


The purpose of our project is exploring some methods for classification of brain tumors in MRI images using neural networks. Limited access to medical data and the high cost of obtaining labeled images pose challenges for training accurate models. To overcome these challenges, we employ transfer learning with pre-trained networks, divide each image into patches, and use self-supervised learning techniques. The proposed algorithm aims to achieve high accuracy while minimizing resource consumption. The study utilizes the Brain Tumor MRI Dataset and applies data augmentation and hyperparameter optimization with Optuna package. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of these approaches in classifying different types of brain tumors within MRI images.

Illustration for the whole system:

PatchNet Model (transfer-learning fine-tuning using patches)

Image of Patches-Model

BYOL model:

Image of BYOL-ResNet


Image of Classifier


Accuracy Comparison

Model Not-Augmented Augmented
ResNet50 94.13% 97.03%
DenseNet201 97.25% 98.47%
EfficientNet-B4 97.86% 99.09%
BYOL+ResNet50 - 99.54%


The confusion matrices of the not-augmented and augmented results (from left to right):


The confusion matrices of the not-augmented and augmented results (from left to right):


The confusion matrices of the not-augmented and augmented results (from left to right):


The confusion matrices of the augmented results:

t-SNE on 500 random test images representation

Files In The Repository

File name Purpsoe
dataset_preprocessing/ Script in order to split the dataset into train-validation-test
code/utils/*.py Save trained model for each run, save the results, and get the dataset loaders
code/models/*.py The PatchNet, BYOL and Classifier models
code/ Application for training each model
code/ Application for finding the best hyperparameters for each model with Optuna
code/main_*.ipynb Notebooks which include all data processing, training, and inference


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install the basic packages using the provided environment.yml file by running: conda env create -f environment.yml.
  3. Alternatively, you can install all the requiered packages with pip install -r requirements.txt.


Library Version
Python 3.6.13 (Anaconda3)
efficientnet_pytorch 0.7.1
kornia 0.6.8
matplotlib 3.3.4
numpy 1.19.5
optuna 3.0.6
Pillow 8.4.0
scikit_learn 0.24.2
torch 1.10.2
torchvision 0.11.3
tqdm 4.64.1

Run The Model

In order to train the model and choose the hyperparameters according to Optuna suggestion, run the following functions: run_experiments and train_model.

If necessary, load the trained weights of the wanted model (ResNet50, DenseNet201, EfficientNet-B4 or Byol-ResNet).

If you want to add new model to PatchNet, in code/models/ file, under PatchNet Class, add your model, or model name. Alternatively, if you want to add model to BYOL, in code/models/ file, under ByolNet Class, add your model, or model name.

Sources & References




MRI Brain Tumor Classification Patches Based






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