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Vision - Object Detection & Real-Time Prediction in Browser.

Deep learning experiments for the Object Detection, with bounding boxes and COCO human pose keypoints.


In this project, I built an object detection model using 'CenterNet HourGlass104 Keypoints 512x512' which was pre-trained on COCO-2017 dataset containing 80 different object categories. This model also contained human pose keypoints which were also used during visualization of predictions.

here are many other pretrained models present on tensorflow-hub object detection and I used CenterNet because of it speed and accuracy rate, while in-case of live predictions in browser in used MobileNet / COCO-SSD which is light, less complex, faster inference speed but less accurate then CenterNet. (CenterNet Paper)

Code and Resources Used

  • Python Version: 3.8
  • Tensorflow Version: 2.7.0
  • Tensorflow. JS
  • Packages: numpy, sklearn, matplotlib, seaborn
  • Editor: Google Colab

Dataset and EDA

The CenterNet model was pretrained on COCO-2017 datasets, but there are latest models present in the tensorflow-hub which are trained on COCO-2020 datasets. The COCO have many different datasets ranging from keypoints to object segmentation. The CenterNet model was pretrained on following categories:

Experiment #1
Dataset source COCO
Classes 80
Data Augmentation No
Data loading No

some examples from the Train datasets:

1: person 2: bicycle 3: car 4: motorcycle 5: airplane 6: bus 7: train 8: truck 9: boat 10: traffic light 11: fire hydrant 12: stop sign 13: parking meter 14: bench 15: bird 16: cat 17: dog 18: horse 19: sheep 20: cow 21: elephant 22: bear 23: zebra 24: giraffe 25: backpack 26: umbrella 27: handbag 28: tie 29: suitcase 30: frisbee 31: skis 32: snowboard 33: sports ball 34: kite 35: baseball bat 36: baseball glove 37: skateboard 38: surfboard 39: tennis racket 40: bottle 41: wine glass 42: cup 43: fork 44: knife 45: spoon 46: bowl 47: banana 48: apple 49: sandwich 50: orange 51: broccoli 52: carrot 53: hot dog 54: pizza 55: donut 56: cake 57: chair 58: couch 59: potted plant 60: bed 61: dining table 62: toilet 63: tv 64: laptop 65: mouse 66: remote 67: keyboard 68: cell phone 69: microwave 70: oven 71: toaster 72: sink 73: refrigerator 74: book 75: clock 76: vase 77: scissors 78: teddy bear 79: hair drier 80: toothbrush.

Model Building and Performance

The experiments was done on CNN architecture model, which was trainied 10 epochs (less epochs to avoid overfitting as it was trained only on 2,388 images)

Experiment #1
Architecture CNN
Big-Model CenterNet
Lite-Model MobileNet/ COCONet
Model Returns
1 detection_classes
2 detection_keypoint_scores
3 detection_boxes
4 num_detections
5 detection_keypoints
6 detection_scores

Model Predictions

After loading and preprocessing the images, I used Tensorflow object detection API for predictions and visulization of boxes and keypoints otherwise I would've to create custom functions to create bounding boxes and pose keypoints which would've taken alot of time.
Some of the predictions examples are:


Future experiments can be done to make object segmentation and to detect and read specfic objects like car license plates.

Real Time Predictions in Browser.

It uses the COCO-SSD model pre-trained on 80-Categories which was developed by the TensorFlow.js team in 2018, where it is currently maintained on TensorFlow.js. In this project I'm using ml5 library to load and detect objects from images or webcam frames as input and p5.JS to create boxes and labels. To try it yourself please visit project page on my "Portfolio."


Object Detection using CenterNet and SSD COCONet in tensorflow.






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