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Asciidoc Book Driven Development CLI tool

Who is this for?

This is for book authors who are writing a technical book in Asciidoc and want a Git repository for their readers to work along with.

What does it do?

This tool can read your book (in its Asciidoc source format) and extract file includes that contain bdd- attributes. It can then build up a Git repo with tags and commits. The repository can be rebuilt from the ground up, ensuring a logical order through the tags.


You have to use the Asciidoc attribute syntax to tell this tool how to process the include.

Example in Asciidoc;

include::Mycode/composer.json[bdd-repo=todolist,bdd-filename=composer.json,bdd-commit-msg="Add the composer.json",bdd-tag=chapter-7.0]

If you wish to run a shell command instead of committing just one file, you can leave out the include:: directive and add a bdd-command attribute;

Some book content...
[bdd-repo=todolist,bdd-command="composer require vendor/package",bdd-filename=".",bdd-commit-msg="Installed vendor/package",bdd-tag=chapter-7.1]
Some morebook content...

After a bdd-command is executed, the bdd-filename value is added to the commit (use . as a value to add all new files).

Run the tool like this;

$ ./asciidoc-bdd build /path/to/your/asciidoc/files /path/to/repositories

You can pass an optional ---reponame= to only process includes for the given repo.

Experimental: you can pass an optional --generate-diffs flag. This will generate a diff for each commit and store it next to the originally included file, suffixed with the timestamp and .diff. The original include will be replaced with this diff file included. CAUTION: this will alter the source code of your book (the .adoc files).

This tool will then parse the bdd- attributes in all *.adoc files in the Asciidoc files dir, like this:

    [bdd-repo] => todolist
    [bdd-filename] => composer.json
    [bdd-commit-msg] => Add the composer.json
    [bdd-tag] => chapter-7.0                                                            

It will then create a repository called todolist in the given repositories path and create commits and tags based on the bdd- attributes.

bdd- attributes

Attribute Required Comment
bdd-repo optional The repo the include should be committed to.
bdd-filename required The filename (including path) in the repo
bdd-command optional An arbitrary command to be executed on the shell, before committing files (instead of copying a file to the repo)
bdd-commit-msg optional When it encounters a number of consecutive identical commit messages, these files will be commited under the same commit
bdd-tag optional When it encounters a number of consecutive identical tags, a tag will be generated for the last commit
bdd-action optional The default git command is add. If you want to remove a file from the Git repo, use bdd-action=rm
tags / bdd-include-tags optional Using Asciidoc's region tags, allows us to filter processed files based on include tags. Given tags can be overruled by bdd-include-tags


./asciidoc-bdd build /path/to/my/book /path/to/my/repos                                                             
Found 1 includes to process                                                             
Initialized empty Git repository in /path/to/my/repos/todolist/.git/
[master (root-commit) 4a605d4] Add the composer.json                                                                                                                             
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 composer.json    
Tag chapter-7.0 created                                           

You can see the generated repo here;


Inspired by Fabien Potencier, who talked about Book Driven Development in his book: Symfony 5: The Fast Track. You can check out his Github repo for the book here:


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