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Token Wizard Possible Tx Failures

Victor Baranov edited this page Feb 1, 2018 · 1 revision

Token Wizard Deployment Proccess Tips

  1. If you are having problems deploying your crowdsale from Token Wizard, open the browser's Developer's Console to see if any errors have occured, warnings are ok.

  2. "Allow Modifying" allows you to change the "Rate", "Supply", "StartTime" and "EndTime" after the crowdsale has been deployed.

  3. You can Whitelist addresses after the crowdsale has been deployed by accessing your Crowdsale contract on and writing the correct parameters to the setEarlyParticipantWhitelist function.

Possible Transaction Failures while Participating in Crowdsale

You can Read and Write functions to contracts using by clicking on the "Contracts" tab and entering the address of the contract and the ABI/JSON Interface and click "Access". Select a function you would like to read or write to from the dropdown menu, fill in the parameters needed and click "Write" or "Read", depending on the function type.

  1. Crowdsale has not started.

    • Check StartsAt function on the Crowdsale contract or on the "Invest" page provided by Token Wizard.
  2. Crowdsale has ended.

    • Check EndsAt function on the Crowdsale address or on the "Invest" page provided by Token Wizard.
  3. Amount of tokens bought was below the minimum buy-in amount, "Investor Min Cap".

    • Check isBreakingInvestorCap function on the Crowdsale contract to see if transaction from address was below "Investor Min Cap"
  4. Maximum Token Cap Reached.

    • Check maximumSellableTokens and tokensSold functions on the Crowdsale contract to see if the Maximum Token Cap has been reached.
  5. Crowdsale is Whitelist Enabled and address is not whitelisted.

    • Check if Crowdsale is Whitelist Enabled by running the isWhitelisted function on the Crowdsale contract.
    • Check if address is whitelisted by running the earlyParticipantWhitelist function on the Crowdsale contract.
    • Add address to Crowdsale Whitelist by running the setEarlyParticipantWhitelist function on the Crowdsale contract.
  6. Transaction was sent directly from Ethereum wallet and was missing the Tx MethodID required for the "Buy" function.

    • Transactions directly from Ethereum wallets MUST include additional MethodId 0xa6f2ae3a for transaction to be successful. See below for example from MetaMask.

Example transaction from MetaMask with included additional data

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