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KSeF utils

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This project contains Python utilities and example requests that can be helpful when integrating with Polish central invoicing system called Krajowy System e-Faktur (KSeF).


Creating python virtual environment

See virtualenvwrapper documentation.

$ mkvirtualenv ksef
$ workon ksef
(ksef) $

Installing package from source

(ksef) $ git clone
(ksef) $ cd ksef-utils
(ksef) $ pip install -e .

Installing package from PyPI

(ksef) $ pip install ksef-utils

Run tests

Set up secrets

Log in to and generate your individual KSEF_TOKEN.


export KSEF_TOKEN="..."
export KSEF_ENV="test"
export KSEF_NIP="..."
export KSEF_SIGN_CERT_PATH="cert.pem"
export KSEF_SIGN_KEY_PATH="privkey.pem"
export KSEF_SIGN_CA_PATH="cert.pem"

Generate test cert

KSEF_SUBJECT="/CN=John Doe/SN=Doe/GN=John/O=My Corp/C=PL/L=Lesser Voivodeship/serialNumber=NIP-${KSEF_NIP}/description=John Doe NIP-${KSEF_NIP}"
openssl req -x509 \
  -nodes \
  -subj "${KSEF_SUBJECT}" \
  -days 365 \
  -newkey rsa \
  -keyout $KSEF_SIGN_KEY_PATH \

Run pytest framework

(ksef) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
(ksef) $ pytest -svvv


Run all e2e/functional/current tests

(ksef) $ pytest -svvv tests/ -m "e2e and not ignore"
(ksef) $ pytest -svvv tests/ -m "functional and not ignore"
(ksef) $ pytest -svvv tests/ -m "current and not ignore"
(ksef) $ ./
(ksef) $ TESTS_MARKERS="init_signed and functional and not ignore" ./


See tests/ for detailed examples of usage.

from ksef_utils.server import KSEFServer, KSEFService
from ksef_utils.config import TestConfig, DemoConfig, ProdConfig

config = TestConfig()
server = KSEFServer(config)
service = KSEFService(service)

invoice_data = {
    # ...
    # see tests/ for example json invoice

session_token = service.init_signed()
response_send_invoice = service.send_invoice(**invoice_data)

Using cli utilities

(ksef) $ python -m ksef_utils keygen --identifier 1111111111 --identifier_type NIP --working_directory .
(ksef) $ pip install .
(ksef) $ which ksef-utils
(ksef) $ ksef-utils keygen --identifier 1111111111 --identifier_type PESEL --working_directory .



Publish new release

$ git tag v1.0
$ git push origin v1.0

Building documentation

(ksef) $ sphinx-build -M html docs docs_build

KSEF references
