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Release Notes Shepherding

Timothy Meehan edited this page Aug 14, 2024 · 8 revisions

Release Notes Shepherd

A release notes shepherd is someone who is assigned to look over the quality of a release note PR generated by our release automation. Release notes shepherds are needed because we need a secondary check on the overall quality of release notes. Their job is to ensure that a release note PR follows the project's guidelines, and makes sure that when they don't it is fixed (either by themselves or by reaching out to the original contributor).

A release notes shepherd is a committer. Committers are eligible because they should understand enough about the Presto codebase to make the judgment calls and rewrites required to fix up release notes.

A release note shepherd is recognized for their work through the TSC meeting and community credit in the leaderboard.

Release Committer
0.284 @tdcmeehan
0.285 @jaystarshot, @majetideepak
0.286 @majetideepak
0.287 @aditi-pandit
0.288 @yingsu00
0.289 @tdcmeehan
0.290 ???
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