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Google Image Search Demo

This is an Android demo application for fetching the photos from Google using the Google Image Search API.

Time spent: 18 hours spent in total

Completed user stories:

  • User can enter a search query that will display a grid of image results from the Google Image API.

  • User can click on "settings" which allows selection of advanced search options to filter results

  • User can configure advanced search filters such as:

    • Size (small, medium, large, extra-large)
    • Color filter (black, blue, brown, gray, green, etc...)
    • Type (faces, photo, clip art, line art)
    • Site (
  • Subsequent searches will have any filters applied to the search results

  • User can tap on any image in results to see the image full-screen

  • User can scroll down "infinitely" to continue loading more image results (up to 8 pages) enough for me to check this one.

  • Advanced: Robust error handling, check if internet is available, handle error cases, network failures

  • Advanced: Use the ActionBar SearchView or custom layout as the query box instead of an EditText

  • Advanced: User can share an image to their friends or email it to themselves

  • Advanced: Replace Filter Settings Activity with a lightweight modal overlay

  • Advanced: Improve the user interface and experiment with image assets and/or styling and coloring

  • Bonus: Use the StaggeredGridView to display improve the grid of image results

  • Bonus: User can zoom or pan images displayed in full-screen detail view

Random Implementation Notes:

  1. I used SharedPreferences to save the settings so that they survive app restarts. I'm curious if this is the best option.
  2. I defined a bunch of constants across Activities, Fragments et al. Again, looking for best practices.

Walkthrough of all user stories:

Video Walkthrough

GIF created with LiceCap.


Week 2 home work for CodePath Android bootcamp






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