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Design of OpenMP-based Parallel Dynamic Leiden algorithm for community detection.

Many real-world graphs evolve with time. Identifying communities or clusters on such graphs is an important problem. In this technical report, we extend three dynamic approaches, namely, Naive-dynamic (ND), Delta-screening (DS), and Dynamic Frontier (DF), to our multicore implementation of the Leiden algorithm, an algorithm known for its high-quality community detection. Our experiments on a server with a 64-core AMD EPYC-7742 processor demonstrate that ND, DS, and DF Leiden achieve speedups of 1.25×, 1.24×, and 1.37× on large graphs with random batch updates, compared to Static, ND, and DS Leiden, respectively. However, on real-world dynamic graphs, ND Leiden performs the best, being on average 1.14× faster than Static Leiden. We hope our early results serve as a starting point for dynamic approaches to the Leiden algorithm on evolving graphs.

Below we illustrate the mean runtime for communities obtained with our parallel implementation of Static, Naive-dynamic (ND), Delta-screening (DS), and Dynamic Frontier (DF) Leiden on large graphs with random batch updates, on batch updates of size 10^-7|E| to 0.1|E| (where |E| is the number of edges). In (a), the speedup of each approach with respect to Static Leiden is labeled.

Next we plot the mean runtime and modularity of communities obtained with Static, ND, DS, and DF Leiden on real-world dynamic graphs on batch updates of size 10^-5|Eᴛ| to 10^-3|Eᴛ| (where |Eᴛ| is the number of temporal edges). In (a), the speedup of each approach with respect to Static Leiden is labeled.

Refer to our technical report for more details:
A Starting Point for Dynamic Community Detection with Leiden Algorithm.


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For the code, refer to main.cxx.

Code structure

The code structure of our multicore implementation of Dynamic Frontier (DF) Leiden is as follows:

- inc/_algorithm.hxx: Algorithm utility functions
- inc/_bitset.hxx: Bitset manipulation functions
- inc/_cmath.hxx: Math functions
- inc/_ctypes.hxx: Data type utility functions
- inc/_cuda.hxx: CUDA utility functions
- inc/_debug.hxx: Debugging macros (LOG, ASSERT, ...)
- inc/_iostream.hxx: Input/output stream functions
- inc/_iterator.hxx: Iterator utility functions
- inc/_main.hxx: Main program header
- inc/_mpi.hxx: MPI (Message Passing Interface) utility functions
- inc/_openmp.hxx: OpenMP utility functions
- inc/_queue.hxx: Queue utility functions
- inc/_random.hxx: Random number generation functions
- inc/_string.hxx: String utility functions
- inc/_utility.hxx: Runtime measurement functions
- inc/_vector.hxx: Vector utility functions
- inc/batch.hxx: Batch update generation functions
- inc/bfs.hxx: Breadth-first search algorithms
- inc/csr.hxx: Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) data structure functions
- inc/dfs.hxx: Depth-first search algorithms
- inc/duplicate.hxx: Graph duplicating functions
- inc/Graph.hxx: Graph data structure functions
- inc/louvain.hxx: Louvain algorithm functions
- inc/leiden.hxx: Leiden algorithm functions
- inc/main.hxx: Main header
- inc/mtx.hxx: Graph file reading functions
- inc/properties.hxx: Graph Property functions
- inc/selfLoop.hxx: Graph Self-looping functions
- inc/symmetrize.hxx: Graph Symmetrization functions
- inc/transpose.hxx: Graph transpose functions
- inc/update.hxx: Update functions
- main.cxx: Experimentation code
- process.js: Node.js script for processing output logs

Note that each branch in this repository contains code for a specific experiment. The main branch contains code for the final experiment. If the intention of a branch in unclear, or if you have comments on our technical report, feel free to open an issue.




Design of OpenMP-based Dynamic Leiden algorithm for community detection.





