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Deep neural network to reconstruct Confocal 3D stacks from Light Field Microscopy images.


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LFMNet: Learning to Reconstruct Confocal Microscope Stacks from Single Light Field Images


This repository contains the code from our Light Field Microscopy project. LFMNet is a neural network that reconstructs a 3D confocal volume given a 4D LF image, it has been tested with the Mice Brain LFM-confocal public dataset. LFMNet is fully convolutional, it can be trained with LFs of any size (for example patches) and then tested on other sizes. In our case it takes 20ms to reconstruct a volume with 1287x1287x64 voxels.


The repo is based on Python 3.7.4 and Pytorch 1.4, see requirements.txt for more details. The dataset used for this network can be found here, but it works with any LF image that has a corresponding 3D volume.

Network structure

The paradigm behind this network is that the input contains a group of microlenses and a neighborhood around them, and reconstructs the 3D volume behind the central microlenses. LFMNet has as an initial layer a conv4d, that ensures a fully convolutional network, this first layers traverses every lenslet, and grabs a neighborhood (9 lenses in our case) around. Then the output is converted to a 2D image with the number of channels equal to the number of depths to reconstruct. Lastly, this tensor goes into a U-net1, which finishes up the feature extraction and 3D reconstution.



A tensor with shape 1,Ax,Ay,Sx,Sy, where A are the angular dimensions and S the spatial dimensions. In our case the input tensor is 1,33,33,39,39.


A tensor with shape nD,AxSx,AySy, where nD are the number of depths to reconstruct. In our case the output tensor is 64,1287,1287.


The training main file is

python3 --epochs 1000 --valEvery 0.25 --imagesToUse 0 1 2 3 4 5 --GPUs 0 --batchSize 64 --validationSplit 0.1 --biasVal 0.1 --learningRate 0.005 --useBias True --useSkipCon False --fovInput 9 --neighShape 3 --useShallowUnet True --ths 0.03 --datasetPath "BrainLFMConfocalDataset/Brain_40x_64Depths_362imgs.h5" --outputPath, nargs='? "runs/" --outputPrefix "" --checkpointPath ""
Parameter Default Description
epochs 1000 Number of epochs
valEvery 0.25 Validate every n percentage of the data
imagesToUse list(range(0,300,1)) Image indices to use for training and validation
GPUs None (Use all GPUs) List of GPUs to use: 0 1 2 for example
batchSize 128 Batch size
validationSplit 0.1 Perentage of the data to use for validation, from 0 to 1
biasVal 0.1 Bias initialization value
learningRate 0.005 Learning rate
useBias True Use bias flag
useSkipCon False Use skip connections flag
randomSeed None User selected random seed
fovInput 9 fov of input or neighboarhood around lenslet to reconstruct
neighShape 3 nT number of lenslets to reconstruct simultaneously, used at training time
useShallowUnet True Flag to use shallow or large U-net
ths 0.03 Lower threshold of GT stacks, to get rid of autofluorescence
datasetPath Brain_40x_64Depths_362imgs.h5 Path to dataset
outputPath "runs/" Path to directory where models and tensorboard logs are stored
outputPrefix "" Prefix for current output folder
checkpointPath "" Path to model in case of continuing a training


And the testing file:

python3 --GPUs 0 --datasetPath "Brain_40x_64Depths_362imgs.h5" --outputPath "runs/" --outputPrefix "" --checkpointPath, "my_path/" --checkpointFileName, "checkpoint_" --writeVolsToH5 0 --writeToTB 1
Parameter Default Description
imagesToUse list(range(301,315,1)) Image indices to use for training and validation
GPUs None GPUs to use
datasetPath Brain_40x_64Depths_362imgs.h5 Path to dataset
outputPath . Directory where models and tensorboard logs are stored
checkpointPath Your model's path Path to model to use for testing
checkpointFileName Your model's file File to use
writeVolsToH5 False Write volumes to H5 file?
writeToTB True Write output to tensorboard?



  1. Ronneberger, Olaf and Fischer, Philipp and Brox, Thomas. "U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation" MICCAI 2015


Josue Page - [email protected] Project Link:

Citing this work

  author={Vizcaíno, Josué Page and Saltarin, Federico and Belyaev, Yury and Lyck, Ruth and Lasser, Tobias and Favaro, Paolo},
  journal={IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging}, 
  title={Learning to Reconstruct Confocal Microscopy Stacks From Single Light Field Images}, 


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