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Qt / QML REST Client

NOTE Versions >= 0.4.0 distribute by vcpkg. Versions 0.2.x can be built manually by README manual.

NOTE 2 Vcpkg PR and build status for all platforms: microsoft/vcpkg#34455

Qt REST Client - small and simple REST API client for any Qt/QML application. Library support standard JSON and XML REST APIs and auto mapping REST data to QAbstractListModel for QML

Manual in russian:

By default library support standard Yii2 REST API and Django REST Framework. Read more:

Fully functional example:


  • Based on QAbstractListModel with fetchMore and canFetchMore support;
  • Support JSON and XML list data;
  • Pagination by per page, limit/offset or cursor;
  • Sorting data;
  • Filtering data;
  • Authentication;
  • StackView navigation;
  • Specify fields for GET list method;
  • Specify expand parameter for GET list method to expand relational data;
  • Lazy loading details item data;
  • Separate model and API methods;
  • Simple API implementation for your apps;
  • State based model information;
  • Requires ID field for each record;
  • Interfaces from C++ and Qt Quick/QML;
  • Multiple external API services in different models;
  • Predefined or custom model classes

Qt Micro REST Client Framework

Known issues/TODO

  • No cache for data;
  • Support JSON subarray data, but not support XML subarray data;


  • 'example' - basic example how to use internal and custom models


Usage library is simplest as it possible.

1. Build library


git clone
cd vcpkg
.\vcpkg.exe install libqtrest


git clone
cd vcpkg
./vcpkg install libqtrest

2. Create your own API class

After setup library we must create class API inherited from existing APIBase, e.g. api/api.h and api/api.cpp:


#include "apibase.h"
#include <QtQml>

class SkidKZApi : public APIBase
    Q_INVOKABLE explicit SkidKZApi();

    //register API object in QML
    static void declareQML() {
        qmlRegisterType<SkidKZApi>("com.github.qtrestexample.skidkzapi", 1, 0, "SkidKZApi");

    //handle all requests from ReadOnly model
    QNetworkReply *handleRequest(QString path, QStringList sort, Pagination *pagination,
                           QVariantMap filters = QVariantMap(), QStringList fields = QStringList(), QStringList expand = QStringList(), QString id = 0);

    //Method API /v1/coupon
    QNetworkReply *getCoupons(QStringList sort, Pagination *pagination,
                              QVariantMap filters = QVariantMap(), QStringList fields = QStringList(), QStringList expand = QStringList());
    //Method API /v1/coupon/{id}
    QNetworkReply *getCouponDetail(QString id);

    //Method API /v1/categories
    QNetworkReply *getCategories(QStringList sort, Pagination *pagination);

#endif // SKIDKZAPI_H

And implement this class:

#include "skidkzapi.h"
#include <QFile>
#include <QTextStream>
#include <QUrlQuery>

SkidKZApi::SkidKZApi() : APIBase(0)


QNetworkReply *SkidKZApi::handleRequest(QString path, QStringList sort, Pagination *pagination,
                                  QVariantMap filters, QStringList fields, QStringList expand, QString id)
    if (path == "/v1/coupon") {
        return getCoupons(sort, pagination, filters, fields, expand);
    else if (path == "/v1/coupon/{id}") {
        return getCouponDetail(id);
    else if (path == "/v1/categories") {
        return getCategories(sort, pagination);

QNetworkReply *SkidKZApi::getCoupons(QStringList sort, Pagination *pagination, QVariantMap filters, QStringList fields, QStringList expand)
    QUrl url = QUrl(baseUrl()+"/v1/coupon");
    QUrlQuery query;

    if (!sort.isEmpty()) {
        query.addQueryItem("sort", sort.join(","));

    switch(pagination->policy()) {
    case Pagination::PageNumber:
        query.addQueryItem("per-page", QString::number(pagination->perPage()));
        query.addQueryItem("page", QString::number(pagination->currentPage()));
    case Pagination::None:
    case Pagination::Infinity:
    case Pagination::LimitOffset:
    case Pagination::Cursor:

    if (!filters.isEmpty()) {
        QMapIterator<QString, QVariant> i(filters);
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            query.addQueryItem(i.key(), i.value().toString());

    //Only needed fields
    if (!fields.isEmpty()) {
        query.addQueryItem("fields", fields.join(","));

    //Additional fields to expand relational data
    if (!expand.isEmpty()) {
        query.addQueryItem("expand", expand.join(","));

    //Make query

    //Make GET request
    QNetworkReply *reply = get(url);

    return reply;

QNetworkReply *SkidKZApi::getCouponDetail(QString id)
    if (id.isEmpty()) {
        qDebug() << "ID is empty!";
        return 0;

    QUrl url = QUrl(baseUrl()+"/v1/coupon/"+id);

    QNetworkReply *reply = get(url);

    return reply;

QNetworkReply *SkidKZApi::getCategories(QStringList sort, Pagination *pagination)
    QUrl url = QUrl(baseUrl()+"/v1/categories");
    QUrlQuery query;

    if (!sort.isEmpty()) {
        query.addQueryItem("sort", sort.join(","));

    switch(pagination->policy()) {
    case Pagination::PageNumber:
        query.addQueryItem("per-page", QString::number(pagination->perPage()));
        query.addQueryItem("page", QString::number(pagination->currentPage()));
    case Pagination::None:
    case Pagination::Infinity:
    case Pagination::LimitOffset:
    case Pagination::Cursor:


    QNetworkReply *reply = get(url);

    return reply;

3. Create your model classes or use completed components, based on your API

3.1 Completed components

For simple readonly models you can use complete QML data components called JsonRestListModel {} and XmlRestListModel {}. You can't manipulate data in these models and pre process items, but by using it you can skip creating of custom C++ models.

For example, start in your QML code:


SkidKZApi {
    id: skidKZApi

JsonRestListModel {
    id: jsonCouponsModel
    api: skidKZApi

    idField: 'id'

    requests {
        get: "/v1/coupon"
        getDetails: "/v1/coupon/{id}"

    filters: {'isArchive': '0'}
    fields: ['id','title']
    expand: ['city']
    sort: ['-id']

    pagination {
        policy: Pagination.PageNumber
        perPage: 20

    Component.onCompleted: { reload(); }
3.2 Custom models

For example we create one model, but you may use one API class for multiple models. E.g. you may use one API class for get list of coupons and for list of categories.

At this point you have full control on your rest data.

Your model class must reimplement 6 methods:

- declareQML(); //Declare you model for use it in QML code
- fetchMoreImpl(); //Call API fucntion for fetchMore function (e.g. getCoupons())
- fetchDetailImpl(); //Call API fucntion for fetchDetails for one item (e.g. getCouponDetail())
- preProcessItem(); //Pre proccess each new list item for manage field list

For example we create Coupons model from our example app (api/models/couponmodel.h):


//We use JSON API version
#include "jsonrestlistmodel.h"

//We use our Skid.KZ API
#include "api/skidkzapi.h"

class CouponModel : public JsonRestListModel
    explicit CouponModel(QObject *parent = 0);

    static void declareQML() {
        qmlRegisterType<CouponModel>("", 1, 0, "CouponModel");
    QNetworkReply *fetchMoreImpl(const QModelIndex &parent);
    QNetworkReply *fetchDetailImpl(QString id);
    QVariantMap preProcessItem(QVariantMap item);


And implement this class:

#include "couponmodel.h"

CouponModel::CouponModel(QObject *parent) : JsonRestListModel(parent)


QNetworkReply *CouponModel::fetchMoreImpl(const QModelIndex &parent)

    return static_cast<SkidKZApi *>(apiInstance())->getCoupons(sort(), pagination(), filters(), fields(), expand());

QNetworkReply *CouponModel::fetchDetailImpl(QString id)
    return static_cast<SkidKZApi *>(apiInstance())->getCouponDetail(id);

//Data management and preparation is function of Backend developer, but if he or she 
//is do not want to deal with data preparation, you may to prepare each item yourself
QVariantMap CouponModel::preProcessItem(QVariantMap item)
    QDate date = QDateTime::fromString(item.value("createTimestamp").toString(), 
                                        "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss").date();
    item.insert("createDate", date.toString("dd.MM.yyyy"));


    return item;

At this point we alredy full implemented our API and model. For use it from C++ you may use this model as is. For use it from QML you must to add some code to main.cpp:

#include "api/models/couponmodel.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    //api and models

4. Use model from QML

At first, we must declare our model:

import com.github.qtrestexample.skidkzapi 1.0
import 1.0
import com.github.qtrest.pagination 1.0


SkidKZApi {
    id: skidKZApi

    baseUrl: ""

    authTokenHeader: "Authorization"
    authToken: "Bearer 8aef452ee3b32466209535b96d456b06"

    Component.onCompleted: console.log("completed!");

CouponModel {
        id: coupons;
        api: skidKZApi
        //Note: only if our APi support filtering
        //Specify base filter, than we make filters form and set filters dynamicaly
        filters: {'isArchive': '0'}
        //we must cpecify ID field for correct interaction with API
        idField: 'id'
        //Note: only if our APi support fields
        //In ListView we need only base fields, and exclude longDescription fields and other.
        fields: ['id','title','sourceServiceId','imagesLinks',
                'createTimestamp', 'serviceName', 'discountType', 'originalCouponPrice', 
                'originalPrice', 'discountPercent', 'discountPrice']

        //Note: only if our APi support expand
        expand: ['city']
        //Note: only if our APi support sorting
        //Additional param for sorting our results
        sort: ['-id']

        //If we need to paging our API, we need to specify paging method. Default is None.
        pagination {
            policy: Pagination.PageNumber
            perPage: 20
            currentPageHeader: "X-Pagination-Current-Page"
            totalCountHeader: "X-Pagination-Total-Count"
            pageCountHeader: "X-Pagination-Page-Count"

        //And when model is complete we call reload function for load elements
        Component.onCompleted: { reload(); }

Then we can use the model as a standard element:

ListView {
    id: couponsList
    model: coupons
    property string detailSource: "qrc:/CouponDetail.qml"
    delegate: Item {
        Text {
            text: title
        MouseArea {
            id: detail
            anchors.fill: parent
            onClicked: {
                {detailsModel: couponsModel.detailsModel, 
                couponsModel: couponsModel})

Advanced usage

1. DetailsView page

Also, we have full support for StackView navigation by special 'details model' available in each your model, based on QSortFilterModel and using 'ID' field as filter. For example, we have ListView in one Stack element, and DetailView in other stack element. We may fetch details info for one of elements and send this element into Details page, when we may use simple hack for display one element with detail info:

import QtQuick 2.6
import Qt.labs.controls 1.0
import 1.0

Item {
    id: details
    anchors.fill: parent

    property string titleText: qsTr("Detail")

    property var detailsModel
    property var couponsModel
    property var loadingStatus: couponsModel.loadingStatus

    onLoadingStatusChanged: {
        if (loadingStatus == CouponModel.IdleDetails) {
            pageLoader.sourceComponent = detailComponent

    Loader {
        id: pageLoader

    MouseArea {
        anchors.fill: parent
        onClicked: pageLoader.sourceComponent = detailComponent

    BusyIndicator {
        id: loadingIndicator
        width: settings.busyIndicatorSize*1.5
        height: settings.busyIndicatorSize*1.5

        running: loadingStatus == CouponModel.LoadDetailsProcessing
        visible: opacity > 0
        opacity: loadingStatus == CouponModel.LoadDetailsProcessing ? 1 : 0
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        Behavior on opacity {
            NumberAnimation { duration: 400; }

    Component {
        id: detailComponent

        ListView {
            id: couponsList
            width: details.width
            height: details.height
            model: detailsModel
            interactive: false

            delegate: ItemDelegate {
                id: delegate
                width: couponsList.width;
                anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

In this code we open Detail page, waiting for loading details info with BusyIndicator displaying, and after loading complete - display full information for item. Our hack is in ListView, it will be not interactive and display only one item.

It's also possible to create a details page without ListView. In this case, the above examples come with the following changes:

  1. You have to pass the couponsModel.details property instead of couponsModel.detailsModel:
{details: couponsModel.details,
couponsModel: couponsModel})

And the changes for the details page:

property var details
  1. Then, you have to implement the detailComponent component in a shorter form:
Component {
    id: detailComponent

    ItemDelegate {
        width: couponsList.width;
        anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

Then, you can directly access any property of the details model (without ListView). E.g. - details.title in the following example:

Component {
    id: detailComponent

    Label {
        text: details.title